3 Things on My Mind This Saturday…

1. This Client-Getting Strategy Really Does Work

A few weeks back I mentioned in the FB Group for RMBC Applied that I was looking to hire someone to help me write a frontend sales letter for this program. I had several writers apply, and they almost all had strong copy chops. But one of them, Chad Fahlman, went a step further. I woke up to a full 6,300-word sales letter for RMBC Applied that he’d sent me. copywriting

It’s a risky strategy. What if I hated it? What if I ignored it? Etc. But in Chad’s case, it’s for sure going to pay off.👌

The copy he sent me is really freaking good. Yes, there are a few tweaks that I want to make to it, but they are mostly cosmetic. It’s funny, engaging, compelling, and it helps to highlight the crazy good value proposition of RMBC Applied. copywriting

So I’ll be paying Chad for this letter. 🏆

But it doesn’t stop there…

Because I’m also going to be running more of a direct offer for Thanksgiving going to my very warm email list…

I want a sales page that’s created specifically to support this sale.

copywritingSo I asked Chad this morning if he could do that for me too, and what the price would be.

So yeah, sharing that with you because while I know doing work on “spec” can feel sketchy…

It really does work.

In fact, Nick Verge actually just did the same thing with Freelancer Freedom.

He bought that course, tore through it, and is already getting some new “whale clients” from it…

But what’s even cooler is that he cold emailed Ian and me yesterday with a new lead for the Freelancer Freedom sales letter.

I thought this was great because that’s a pain point of ours…

I want to get the course into more people’s hands, but that requires reworking the funnel…

So this new lead was exciting.

In fact, right after I received it I texted Ian to get his thoughts…

And to see if he was down to hire Nick to write the whole funnel for us.

Still waiting to hear back from Ian on that, but I’m guessing we’ll probably hire Nick for more stuff in the near future.

copywriting2. Check Me Out on the Intuitionology Podcast

I went on the Intuitionology Podcast with Sunil Godse…

And it’s one of my favorite podcast episodes I’ve ever done.

The reason why is pretty straight forward:

It’s such a unique conversation.

As the name would suggest, the podcast is all about the role intuition plays in our lives…

So on this episode, you’ll hear me sharing my personal definition of intuition…

How I used it as a child…

When I lean into it vs when I ignore it…

How my dad dying affected my intuition…

How to overcome procrastination that’s driven by fear…

And so much more.

Here’s a link to the Episode Page where you can check the episode out.

3. Congrats to the following members of Copy Accelerator LITE

As you may know…

In mid-September Justin Goff and I did something pretty cool…

We had 6 companies pay us $15,000 each for new sales copy…

copywritingThen we turned around and hired 60 copywriters at $1,500 each.

So for each client, they got 10 copywriters working on their project…

And then Justin and I said we would copyedit and copy-chief the top 2-3 submissions we received for each client.

Well, the due date for the writers to turn in their copy was Wednesday Night…

And then on Thursday and Friday, Justin and I personally went through all 60 submissions for the clients and picked the top submissions.

I was blown away by how good a lot of the copy was…

Especially since many of the writers had never written a long-form piece of copy before…

And I think that’s a testament to what we teach in Copy Accelerator, along with the RMBC Method.

Anyways though, here are the writers who had the top submissions for each of the 6 projects:

Client:  Trugenics

Top 2 Writers Selected: 

  • Roman Mayer
  • Lucas Mills

Client: Todd Lamb

Top 2 Writers Selected: 

  • Areeba Ahmed
  • Megan Evans-Aghoghogbe

Client: Dan Cheong and Mike Gillette

Top 2 Writers Selected: 

  • Andrew Tennant
  • Lucas Mills

Client: Sayan Sarker

Top 2 Writers Selected:

  • Areeba Ahmed
  • Andrew Trachtman

Client: Credit Secrets

Top 2 Writers Selected: 

  • Greg Janiszewski
  • Lynn Swayze

Client: Tom Krug

Top 2 Writers Selected: 

  • Jonathan Fisher
  • Carolyn Gretton

So again, a big congrats to the top writers here…

Remember their names, because they’ll likely be doing some pretty big things in the near future!

And that’s it.

I’m gonna go out and do my morning walk real quick before my daughter gets up…

And I hope you have an awesome Saturday 🙂


P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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