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A copywriting breakthrough this morning


Good morning 🙂

I’ll be blunt, I had a really good breakthrough on a sales letter I’m working on.

I don’t want to give too many details on the offer…

But it’s a super unique product that helps provide relief from the symptoms of tinnitus…

And I’m crazy excited about the offer. 🤩

What’s funny though is that when I woke up 52 minutes before that…

I wasn’t excited at all.😕

Instead, I was feeling lost on the offer a bit…

And battling a feeling of internal resistance.

So what changed?

How did I go from a place of unenthusiasm and resistance…

To one of frictionless excitement?

Here are a couple of thoughts:

1) I’ve given myself plenty of “thinking time” with this offer, and I’ve really let things percolate. 

This is important.

Using The RMBC Method, which is my step-by-step process for consistently writing high-converting sales copy in a short period of time…

You really can crank out a sales letter every two days or so.

But with that being said…

Sometimes it does help to take advantage of a longer horizon of time if you have that luxury.

In the case of this letter…

I’ve been spending the first hour or two of the day working on Research and the Mechanism…

So when I got up in the morning, I had most of the prewriting work already done…

But what I was missing was that really Big Idea…

The awesome hook that ties it all together.

Rather than allowing myself to become stressed out about this…

I just started researching and reading more about the history of one of the ingredients in this product.

I’d already done a lot of reading and research on it yesterday…

But to be honest, I just felt like there was probably something I was missing…

Something that would help me come up with the Big Idea and tie it all together.

So yeah, I started reading…

And that’s when the idea hit me.

I found some old articles about the star ingredient from the 1970s…

And some specific quotes from scientists that were too good to ignore.

Then those quotes served as the catalyst…

Neurons in my brain began firing to life…

And I immediately opened up a blank word doc and just wrote everything down.

The result: I have a KILLER headline complex that encapsulates the Big Idea…

Plus it’s loaded with curiosity, a great but realistic promise, a teasing of the unique mechanism, and so much more.

Even better, I know exactly how to tell this story in a way that is going to be highly effective…

Yet pretty compliant, and unsensational.

So that feels really, really good…

Because I know that now I just need to sketch it out in the Brief (Part 3 of the RMBC Method)…

And that once I start writing the letter – which I’ll do either later today or tomorrow morning…

It’ll be finished within 10 hours max…

Realistically maybe less time.

And that’s really the power of The RMBC Method…

It’s not just that it helps you write high-quality sales copy in a fraction of the time it would normally take you…

But this process also helps you feel so much calmer too.

You know that feeling of relief you get when you finish a piece of copy that you’ve been working on for a while?

Well, what’s cool is with the RMBC Method, you get that feeling way before you even start writing the copy.

Instead, you have this sense of confidence the entire time…

Because, if you simply follow the process, you’ll never get lost or be stuck.

That’s what makes RMBC so game-changing…

And I’m sharing all of this for many reasons…

But one of those reasons is so that you understand that I really do practice what I preach.

Now one more point I want to make before I wrap up this blog post.

When I first woke up at 5am in the morning…

I was really tempted to let myself become distracted.

I looked at my email inbox and saw a bunch of messages I “should” respond to…

There was the urge to just open up Facebook for one second…

I had notifications on my phone that could have been important.

I actually had my Gmail inbox open…

But then I had this visceral reaction against it.

I shuddered…

Because I realized that if I allowed myself to start going down an email rabbit hole…

I’d not only waste the next hour or two, when I could have used that time for writing…

But more importantly, it would probably have a negative effect on my brain for the entire day.

This might sound crazy, but I’m dead serious.

You see, it’s no secret that Facebook, email, notifications, etc have the same effect on your brain as a slot machine does…

This stuff releases hits of dopamine…

So the last thing you want to do upon waking up is overstimulating your brain…

Because that can leave you feeling frazzled, foggy, and strung-out for the rest of the day.

So this is why I’m really becoming a strong fan of tackling whatever your biggest needle mover is the moment you wake up.

This is the moment when your brain is the most distraction-free…

It’s when you have the most mental horsepower…

And what’s even better…

Is that if you’re able to make big progress in the first 1-2 hours of the morning…

It sets an incredible pace for the rest of the day.

For me personally, I have a TON going on today.

I’m doing a private yoga lesson at 6:30 am (#Blessed, I know)…

Then I need to:

Prepare my presentation for today’s Copy Accelerator Call…

Provide copy reviews and feedback to full Copy Accelerator members in our Facebook Group…

Get a ton of documents together for the Wealth Management firm I hired…

Review a bunch of submissions for an eComm page, where I’m helping to vet copywriters for a CA Client…

Go over several documents related to a beauty company I’m investing in…

Catch-up on my emails…

Schedule out more bonus sessions with copywriters for RMBC Applied…

Set up an interview with a potential new hire we’re making for Copy Accelerator…

Do some organizational stuff related to finances for my publishing company…

Record some new ads for Copy Accelerator.

Plus, I’m going to try and get a chest lift in later today…

I’m in the middle of negotiating a long-term employment contract for my executive assistant Julia…

I have it on my calendar to spend at least an hour mentoring Julia later today as well…

And Laura and I may be going to the car dealership this afternoon to get a new SUV, since the lease on our “family car” is about to expire.

Oh, and I really want to watch the NFL game that’s happening this evening…

And to spend lots of time with my daughter.

Just listing all of this out feels a little overwhelming…

And yes, I’ll try and delegate some things too…

But this is exactly WHY waking up and jumping right into my copywriting is so damn important.

I’ve already done the work on this project for that day that I need to…

And the sun isn’t even up yet.

So now, I can get through a lot of these other tasks without feeling anxious…or stressed…or resentful that I’m not free to just “write copy.”

I am free to write copy…

But the reason for this freedom is because I made the time.


P.S. Want to eliminate all of the anxiety and frustration from the Copywriting process? The RMBC Method really is the answer. Nearly 700 copywriters and business owners swear by this 4 step copy system, and here’s a link where you can check out the program for yourself.

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.

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