My Coke Dealer Mike

My Coke Dealer Mike

Got your attention right? And I bet you’re expecting some kind of a bait and switch…😉 Where I go, “Just kidding, I’m talking about soda!”😜 Nope… This email is really about my coke dealer… And it’s also about a huge mistake that the least successful humans make, but...
How Ivan Screwed Up His “Pitch” To Me (Great Lesson)

How Ivan Screwed Up His “Pitch” To Me (Great Lesson)

Yo 🙂 Previously, I spent a few minutes going through my LinkedIn Messages…📩 And there was one in particular that really stood out. 🧐 It was a cold “solicitation” email from a young guy named Ivan who was looking for work. Now I get solicited a lot, but Ivan’s message...
3 Things That Are On My Mind (I Love This Post Lol)

3 Things That Are On My Mind (I Love This Post Lol)

Here are 3 things that are on my mind…👌 1. How to 10x Your Income as a Freelancer.💰 I shot a short little video about the mindset hack that can help you 10x your income as a freelancer. 👨‍💻 It could also be titled: “How to not guilt yourself into spending...
The Sneaky “Hedge-Play” I Use To Win In Any Market (Thanks Facebook)

The Sneaky “Hedge-Play” I Use To Win In Any Market (Thanks Facebook)

I’ve been an investor in Facebook since its IPO… And during the COVID-19 pandemic, I scooped up a chunk of new shares when it got down to around $139.⬇ After that, the stock has recovered quite nicely…📈 Peaking at $241 one point…👌 But then one day, the market took a...
When Procrastination Is A Good Thing

When Procrastination Is A Good Thing

I’ve been using Evernote since 2015… And over that period, I’ve journaled, made to-do-lists, wrote sales copy, saved links, and just jotted down random thoughts. 🤔 I’ve also jotted down a TON of ideas in my Evernote over the years…✍️ And as I was scrolling through… It...
The first car hit him, but the second car ran him over…

The first car hit him, but the second car ran him over…

A decade ago, Andy Hnilo was a model in L.A. who was “living the dream”…🤩 But then, one fateful night, everything changed. Andy was crossing the street on foot late one night…🚶 When he was blindsided by an oncoming car…🚘 And that was only the first car that hit Andy…...
Marketing Lessons Learned From My Expensive Luxury Binge

Marketing Lessons Learned From My Expensive Luxury Binge

Previously, my wife Laura and I headed over to the strip so we could check things out. The first place we went to was the Forum Shops at Caesar's palace… And I've got to tell you – the place was pretty much a ghost town. 👻 Not Caesar's itself – that seemed fairly...
Your Facebook arguments are killing you (literally)

Your Facebook arguments are killing you (literally)

I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed…📱 And I couldn't help but notice how the vast majority of what I saw was just people arguing. 🗣 Arguing about Protests… Politics… Global news…🌎 Racism… The Media… The list goes on and on. Make no mistake: There are...
The power of routine

The power of routine

As an entrepreneur in general, and especially as someone with ADD… I found that having no routine was causing me to feel more stressed than usual.🤦‍♂️ Well, yesterday, I slipped right back into my normal routine and had one of the most productive days I’ve had in...
It’s Called Work For a Reason

It’s Called Work For a Reason

In late 2010, I took a job at a for-profit, online college. The job was in their call center – and it entailed making 200+ calls a day to people who had vaguely expressed interest in wanting to go back to school. 👨‍💻 I was supposed to connect with these folks,...
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Stefan Georgi

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