Some Really Good Advice That a Lot of You Will Hate
Yo! 👋 I chatted with Brennan Hopkins about his series “Coronatined with a Copywriter.” It was a fun and wide-ranging conversation, but, in my opinion, one of the most important takeaways from it was a piece of advice I gave to copywriters which was that when it comes...
A Little Monday Motivation…
Good morning 🙂 I am writing this from my home in Las Vegas. I was debating between going to my office today (it’s closed, but as the owner I obviously have access) or staying home… But I think staying home is going to win out. I don’t really have a topic to write...
I’m Going to Triple Conversions on This Offer
Good morning,😊 I have to keep this one pretty short. I spent the entire morning reworking a sales letter for a skin offer, and now, I only have a couple of minutes until I need to get my daughter up to start the day.🕑 So, in today’s blog post, I just want to reiterate...
I may have talked about this before, I’m not sure… But I’m gonna talk about it in today’s blog post anyways. Response-ability is a concept I first saw from Stephen Covey who wrote the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People… And it’s the premise that, while we can’t...
Thank God for This Lockdown
Prior to this entire lockdown, I was really busy. There were the buildup and preparation for the Copy Accelerator live event in Las Vegas. Which, for me, started on a Tuesday beforehand, with arriving at the hotel and doing a dry run, and didn’t end until Saturday...
Our Tribe, a Virtual Mastermind
Hey there! 😊 Just wanted to let you know about something cool that started. My good friends Emily Lark, Dee Braun, Ryan Alarid, and Clickbank all got together and started a free, invite-only, virtual mastermind called Our Tribe, that started in April. 🤩 In the...
Why Not Charging People Is Selfish
A few weeks back I spent the day teaching copywriting at Shanda Sumpter’s Marketing Mastery Event… And I had an interesting conversation with one of the attendees. He helps people to embrace grief after suffering a severe loss…🤝 And one of the things he mentioned is...
How I’m Planning for The Worst…
Good morning 🙂 The topic of this blog post is all about how I think COVID-19 may affect the economy and my businesses over the next 12-18 months… Along with what I'm doing now to prepare for the worst. Obviously, the best case scenario here… Is that all of the...
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