1x per week I go into the garage and freak out…
Yo, One time per week I go into the detached garage at our San Diego house and freak the *%#* out. I’m not joking… But I will at least give you a little context: We have a home gym in the garage… So ostensibly I’m going out there to lift. What I’ve found though is...
On Cheating Pastors and Empathy
Hey, Have you ever heard of Carl Lentz? Up until not too long ago, he was the lead pastor at Hillsong Church in New York City… And his tagline was, “Pastor to the Famous and the Nameless.” That was actually a pretty apt tagline… Because in addition to preaching to...
Is copywriting a science or an art?
Writing sales copy is one of the most powerful skills you can have. Good copywriting can drive up your sales and revenue like few other things. So to the science vs. art question, we crowdsourced professionals in the industry to see how they weigh in. Read on to learn...
The morning ritual tweak that’s skyrocketed my productivity….
Yo, If you’ve been reading my emails for a while… You might have noticed that, while I used to email at around the same time most days (about 8 am PST my time)…📧 My emails started coming out a bit later in the day… The reason why is related to something I talked about...
Don’t Fear the Future
I was spending the week out in Scottsdale… And one afternoon we took a day trip to Sedona for Laura’s cousin’s wedding. It was a really nice trip overall… I finished some work during a good chunk of the day… Spent time in the pool with my daughter Eden… And met up...
How I Schedule My Weeks
Generally, it’s waking up sometime between 5 am and 6 am… Drinking one cup of black coffee while I write copy for work (before that I spent this time reading the Wall Street Journal)… Going to my office at around 7 am… Spending the first 30-60 minutes doing admin...
Being a CEO
I had started a new audiobook while doing my morning walk. 🎧 It’s called The Lazy CEO… And the reason I picked this book is pretty straight forward: For my “Personal Brand,” I’m committing to building a real organization… As opposed to a loose affiliation of people...
5 Tips to Scale Your Copywriting Business
If you’re reading this, you’re likely at a crossroads in your freelance copywriting journey. You want to earn more value from copywriting, but either: You don’t have enough hours in the day to handle your current workload – OR – You are tired of having to grind,...
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