My Favorite Books (A Full List)…
Good Morning 🙂 I just got done with a private yoga lesson at my house. 🧘 I did yoga for a few months back in college… But haven’t in the past 10-12 years and really wanted to get back into it… So I had my assistant Julia find a private yoga instructor… And she came...
When they Zig, you should Zag…
Good Morning 🙂 I loved the unique perspective Jen Gottlieb brought to the table on episode 18 of The Road to a Billion …🚀 And it was especially powerful to hear the way she talked about her imposter syndrome… And how she literally talks to her fear (and puts it in the...
A copywriting breakthrough this morning
Good morning 🙂 I’ll be blunt, I had a really good breakthrough on a sales letter I’m working on. I don’t want to give too many details on the offer… But it’s a super unique product that helps provide relief from the symptoms of tinnitus… And I’m crazy excited about...
Become a Master at Upsell Copywriting
Knowing how to write good upsell copy is like having a personal unicorn that leaves bags of leprechaun gold on your front porch. Upsell copy has a magical way of turning your words into money. It is different than sales page copy because it's designed to get someone...
I’m a grumpy old man
Good Morning. Here’s what’s going on in my world. Laura and I had a party at our house one night…🥳 Nothing crazy, about 30 or so people came. It was a TON of fun and I had a great time seeing so many people in our space… Including several Copy Accelerator members… So...
Staring Into the Eyes of a Cougar
I saw a pretty crazy video on YouTube.🎥 26-year-old Kyle Burgess was out doing a trail run in Slate Canyon, which is near Provo, Utah… When he spotted four small animals further along the trail. At first, he wasn’t sure what they were… But as he got closer, Kyle...
3 Things on My Mind This Saturday…
1. This Client-Getting Strategy Really Does Work A few weeks back I mentioned in the FB Group for RMBC Applied that I was looking to hire someone to help me write a frontend sales letter for this program. I had several writers apply, and they almost all had strong...
A lot is written about the power of commitments… But less is said about the importance of recommitting. Because here’s the thing: It’s easy to commit to something… But it’s harder to stay committed day in and day out. 📆 When we slack on a commitment, one option is...
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