Site icon Stefan Georgi

He said I’m “Doing God’s Work”

copy accelerator

A while back, my friend, Ed Reay, said something to me that really stuck out…

Which was that I’m “doing God’s work.”  😇

Now, I don’t think Ed meant this in a strictly religious sense…

Rather, he was talking about the passion and fervor I bring to teaching, coaching, and mentoring. 👨‍🏫

I’m trying to change lives…🤝


And that’s true regardless of if a person is in my Copy Accelerator mastermind…

Buys my RMBC course…

Or is just someone I meet along the road.

I don’t presume to know what God’s will is, either.

All I can really say is that when I’m helping people…

When I can work with them, and they increase their income exponentially…

Or their business doubles or triples in size…

And it means that they’re more secure and more at peace in their lives…

And that their families are, too…

That’s the greatest feeling in the world for me.

I can’t explain why…

But it just feels right.

Like helping others is what I was put on this earth to do.

And in that sense, I do feel like it’s God’s work…

Because the feeling of service is almost divine and mystical…

You can’t quantify it…

But you know in your bones that you’re part of something greater.


Kind of a weird article, I know.

Not trying to hype myself up…

I’m sharing because it feels really good to be following my purpose…

And I want to inspire you to pursue yours, too.


– SPG 

P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.

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