How much do copywriters charge for VSLs?

Morning 🙂

We’re going to take a break from my series on optimizing a winning offer…

We might jump back to it later,

But I already covered a lot of the big parts in the last few blog posts…

And to be honest, I just don’t feel like writing about that topic this morning.

So, instead…

Let’s talking about the career of a freelance copywriter.

You may have heard me point this out before…

But indulge me for a second:

In 2012 I charged $149 for a sales letter.

By 2019 I was charging between $50k and $100k.

That’s a pretty remarkable rise, right?

And the question becomes…

What happened?

What made the difference?

And how was I able to increase my rates by so much, in such a limited amount of time?

Well, one of the answers…

Is that I obsessively focused on being the best at my craft.

In other words…

I operated with the belief set that if I got truly great at writing copy…

The money, the notoriety, and the opportunities would follow.

That might sound like an obvious strategy…

But I often see young copywriters who are more focused on money than they are their craft…

So, it’s worth repeating:

Put your craft first, and the money will follow.

Of course, it also helps if, once you’ve gotten good…

You find a way to make your own luck…

And there are several ways you can do that.

In fact, I actually just listed four of those ways out on Quora.

Here’s why I did that:

I’ve been messing around with Quora and trying to answer questions when I have time.

Well, this morning I found myself with a little bit of extra time…

So I hopped on and saw a question about how much you can get paid to write VSLs.

I figured that was a good one for me to answer…

And, sure enough…

Thirty minutes later I’d done a pretty in-depth breakdown of how to level up in your copywriting career.

Some of the major areas or topics I discussed included client selection, royalties, how much to charge, how to position yourself, etc…

And I think the advice is pretty damn good.

So, if you’re a freelancer (whether it’s for copy or something else)…

I’d recommend you head over to Quora and check out the full reply.

Here’s the link to it…

And, if you happen to like my answer…

Please feel free to give me a little upvote too 🙂

That’s it for today.

Keeping this a little bit shorter than usual…

The reason why is probably because I already wrote a 1,500 word Quora response before I even got to this blog post…

And now, I want to go drink a greens juice and read for a while before my daughter gets up.

I hope you have a great day!


P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



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Stefan Georgi

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