How To Maximize Your Winning Offer Step 1: Get Your AOVs Up

Good Morning 🙂

You know you’ve got a good offer when it’s 6:30 am in the morning…

And you refresh your CRM and get pissed that the number of sales only jumped from 87 to 95…

How To Maximize Your Winning Offer Step 1: Get Your AOVs Up

Even though it’s only been like 10 minutes since you last checked.

That’s what I’ve got going on with this new weight loss offer…

And it’s making me a pretty happy boy.

Yesterday we did like 230 front ends…

The day before that was also over 200 front ends…

And today we’ll definitely break 200 front ends as well.

I’d say 200 sales a day is now the new baseline…

But I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets to 500 per day or more…

Because it’s picking up speed on Facebook…

Matt Harmon is getting it dialed in on Native…

And lots of people are crushing it on email.

It’s pretty dope…

But the coolest part:

Because I’ve been in this situation so many times before…

Where you’ve got yourself a home run offer…

I’m keenly aware of the fact that there is more work to be done.

So over the next several blog posts…

I’m going to be going through all of the steps I take to get the most out of a winning offer.

This is going to be a master class in how to get rich…

So I hope you enjoy 🙂

Maximizing Your Winning Offer Step 1: Get Your AOVs Up

As I mentioned in a previous blog post…

I was able to add about 400 lines of copy to the original sales letter for this offer…

And it ultimately ended up increasing the AOV (Average Order Value) by like $40.

That’s a huge difference…

But I know I can get the AOVs even higher.

We’ve been testing a lot of price points for this offer…

And I think the final ones we’re going to settle on are:

$49 for 1 Bottle…
$39 per bottle for 3 bottles…
$29 per bottle for 6 bottles.

I’m fine with those price points…

But they mean that AOVs are typically going to be in the $140 range…

And I want to get them over $200…

Because we’ll make much more money…

Especially if we can keep our CPA where it is.

For example, yesterday our offer grossed around $25k…

With a really good profit margin…

But if the AOVs were even more dialed in…

It could have been over $40k…

And right now I want to show you how we can make that happen.

Okay, so how am I going to increase the AOVs?

I think the frontend copy is now pretty dialed in…

And trying to tweak the “close” any further would just lead to diminishing returns.

So instead…

My main focus is going to be on the upsells.

The original upsells in the copy are pretty generic and poorly designed…

But tomorrow we have some newly designed upsells going live…

And these upsells are based on a template I’ve used in the past…

Something that I know works decently well.

The offer structure looks like this:

Upsell 1:
Buy 6 More Bottles for $19 each ($114 total)

Downsell 1:
Buy 3 More Bottles for $19 each ($57 total)

Pretty simple…

But I’ve used this structure for years now…

And I typically see about a 20% take rate for Upsell 1…

And a 5% take rate for Downsell 1.

So how does this affect the AOV?

Let’s say the AOV is $140…

If 20% of people take Upsell 1 for $114…

That adds $22.85 to the AOV.

And if 5% of people take Downsell 1…

That adds $2.85.

Total that’s an increase of $25.70…

Which takes the AOV to $165.70.

That’s a big improvement already…

But we can still do way better.

So after the new Upsell 1 and Downsell 1 are proven out…

I’m going to get another variant done…

Where our doctor spokesperson is on camera…

And he spends fifteen minutes or so telling the customers that they really need to take the upsell.

My guess is that if we execute this correctly…

We can probably get the 6 bottles upsell to a 35% take rate…

And the 3 bottle downsell to a 15% take rate.

So what would that mean to the economics of the funnel?

Well, remember that the current baseline AOV is $140…

So if 35% of people take the first upsell at $114 per order…

That would add another $39.90 to the AOV…

And if we can get 15% of people to take the downsell…

That’s an extra $8.55 per order.

Combined this takes our AOV from $140 to about $188…

And now we’re talking!

But I’m still not done…

Because that was just the first upsell/downsell.

The next thing we’re going to do is put in at least two more upsells…

Where we sell related products…

With the goal of helping the customer to get even better results in less time.

For these upsells I’m going to want to play around with the offer structure a bit…

But I think we’ll probably settle on a Buy 3, Get 3 type of offer structure…

With the goal of getting 20% of customers to spend $100 on Upsell #2…

And 10% of customers to spend $100 on Upsell #3.

If we can do that…

It adds another $30 to the AOV…

And ultimately between Upsell 1…

Downsell 1…

Along with Upsells 2 and 3…

This takes us from a $140 AOV…

To a $218 AOV.

Can you see what a massive difference that would make?

If we’re doing 200 sales a day at a $140 AOV…

That’s $28,000 in revenue per day…

While if we’re doing 200 sales a day at a $218 AOV…

It jumps to $43,600 in revenue.

Let’s assume that our Day Zero profit margin is about 30%…

When we increase AOVs like this…

We take our daily profit from $8,400…

To $13,080…

And over the course of the year…

That’s the difference between $3,066,000 in profit

And $4,774,200 in profit.

Pretty crazy right?

And the reality is that this is totally achievable.

In fact, I’ve got the exact template to do it…

Because Justin teaches it in our mastermind…

Jordan Hall showed how to do it at our last mastermind in September…

And Jay Deiboldt is doing an in-depth talk about this exact topic during our next mastermind at the end of the month.

So it’s pretty nice to have mentors right?


The purpose of this blog post isn’t to promote my mastermind…

Or our Copy Accelerator Events…

But I am just going to say it:

When you look at the math in this blog post…

It should be obvious why I think joining our mastermind is the biggest no brainer on earth…

Especially if you’re an offer owner.

For my own business…

With one single offer…

I’m going to be able to increase our profit by $1.7MM in the next year…

And that’s assuming we only do 200 sales per day.

If we scale to 500 sales a day…

Or a 1,000 sales a day…

Profit becomes exponentially higher.

Well considering our mastermind costs $30,000 a year…

And we give you the exact blueprint for achieving monstrous upsell numbers like this…

It seems like a pretty good trade, right?

You put $30,000 in and getting several million back…

That’s hard to beat.

Okay and here’s the craziest thing…

There are at least 7 more ways I can optimize this winning offer.

These things are all based on my previous experience scaling multiple offers to 8 figures and beyond…

And I’m excited to share them with you…

Because like I mentioned already…

This will be a master class in how to maximize your profits once you have a winner…

While protecting against the downside…

Which is just as important…

Because I’ve lost millions of dollars in the past by not being smart…

And I’ll be sharing what I learned from those losses during this series of blog posts too.

Alright, that’s it for today.

On my end…

I’m gonna wake up Eden in a little bit…

Have a great day with my family…

I hope you have a great day too!


P.S. Those profit numbers I shared in the blog post are pretty exciting right? But they’re only the start. Just wait until I share the rest of this blog posts series with you. You’re going to see how the profit can end up being double, even if we never get past 200 sales per day.

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you enjoyed this blog post and want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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