How To Maximize Your Winning Offer Step 3A: Monetize That Data (Email)

Good morning 🙂

Today we’re going to keep going with my series about how to optimize a winning offer for maximum profit and longevity.

It’s being written because my partner, Cody, and I have a weight loss offer right now that’s been live for about a month.

It's scaling very fast…

So I figured I might as well share the exact steps I'm going to be taking…

To make sure we make the most of this momentum.

We did over 500 Front Ends yesterday, and grossed something like $78k…

Which isn’t bad for only being in the fifth week or so.

And, if you’re new to my blog and missed the last few blog posts, you can check them out below:

How To Maximize Your Winning Offer Step 1: Get Your AOVs Up
How To Maximize Your Winning Offer Step 2: Add in Subscription

But for now, let’s keep going…

Maximizing Your Winning Offer Step 3A: Monetize That Data (Email)

Everyone hears about how important their list is…

But a big mistake a lot of people make (even big guys in the space)…

Is not being very strategic when it comes to monetizing their data.

Specifically, there are two key areas I focus on: email and phone…

And today, we’re going to focus on email specifically…

Then tomorrow we’ll look at phones.

So, without further ado…

Here we go:

1. Email

There are at least seven ways you can monetize your data via email.

The first is to sell them more products under a unified brand.

To do this…

You just create a fairly short eComm page selling an additional product or service you have…

Then send your buyers to those pages.

This tends to work very well…

Because even if your landing page only has like 1,500 or 2,000 words of copy…

As long as it’s decently designed…

You can capitalize on the trust you’ve already built with your email list…

And a good percentage of your customers will buy your additional products or offers once you’ve shared them.

In the supplement space, for example…

You can simply pick an on-demand supplement from a place like Ship Offers…

Create a new name and new label for it…

Then sell that as a new product on a separate landing page.

This is great because it expands the amount of “SKUs” you have…

Plus, you don’t have to pay for the inventory until you sell it.

I’ve done this many times in the past with really great results.

And, if you’re in the supplement space and need an intro to the folks at Ship Offers…

Just let me know.

Because I’ve been using them since 2016 and have nothing but super positive things to say about them.

The second way to monetize your data via email is to send third-party offers to your list.

This is one a wildly lucrative way to make money…

Yet a lot of business owners get scared about sending to “affiliate” offers…

Because they think if their list buys from a third party…

Then those buyers are going to start receiving emails from the owners of all those offers too…

And maybe they won’t be as valuable anymore.

I made this mistake early on with HLH myself…

But it turns out, that’s simply not the case at all.

The reality is…

Most of the buyers on your list are on like 10+ other lists already.

So it’s naïve to think you can just hoard these buyers for yourself.

The truth is…

If someone bought one direct response product from you…

They’re likely to buy numerous more.

So you might as well be sending to as many third-party offers as you can…

Because the commissions you can get there are pretty fabulous.

Realistically, when you promote third party offers…

You can probably make between $2 and $5 per buyer on your email list.

So, if you have a list of say, 20,000 buyers…

That’s another $40,000 to $100,000 a month in your pocket.

And I really do mean in your pocket.

Because since you’re just getting paid a CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) from the offers you promote…

The money you make is pretty much all net.

Oh, and one more tip here: Don’t be afraid to promote offers that are in the same niche as yours.

For example…

If you have a list of weight loss buyers (like we’re building with our offer)…

The best thing you can put in front of those folks is more weight loss products!


People tend to buy more of the same.

A third way you can monetize your buyer data is by “renting” your list.

When you do this…

You agree to promote a third party offer to your list…

But, instead of doing it as an affiliate…

The owner of the third-party offer pays you an agreed-upon fee…

Then they give you their own email creative(s)…

You send those email creatives to your list…

And the email goes to the owner’s offer.

If you have a list that’s proven to be full of responsive buyers…

This can be a great way to monetize your data.

For example, back in my HLH Days…

Our list was a little under 100,000 names…

And Agora would pay us $15k per email we sent to their offers.

Even better…

Agora wanted to book as many sends as they could (because our list was proven)…

So they’d usually purchase 12 sends at a time.

Which meant I was getting $180,000 in up-front cash every few months…

And that doesn’t suck.

A fourth way to monetize your buyers list is through re-order sequences.

Obviously, this only works when you have physical products…

But it works really well.

For supplements, as an example…

I like to set up an automated reorder sequence for all buyers based on the number of bottles they purchased.

So, if they purchased a one-month supply…

They start getting reorder emails around Day 22…

And these emails go through Day 45.

The reason I keep emailing for another two weeks after the customer has run out of inventory…

Is because, while I'd rather they buy right away…

Reaching out to them after the fact can be very lucrative.

Especially if in your email copy…

You ask them if they’ve noticed a difference since they stopped taking the supplement.

A lot of the time, they have.

So some of the best converting reorder emails actually go out after the customer has run out.

A fifth way to monetize your email data is to run special promotions and sales…

Where you sell your list more of the product they already bought…

At a special price.

So, for example, with HLH…

We’d run sales for Black Friday, Christmas, 4th of July, Labor Day, etc…

And I was SHOCKED by how much money we made on these.

In Christmas of 2016, we probably had 30,000 buyers on our list at that point…

And we ran a four-email sequence for a Christmas sale that grossed something like $90,000.

It was a Merry Christmas indeed!

A sixth way you can monetize your email list…

Is by marketing to your “partials.”

Partials are people who started the checkout process but didn’t finish it…

And most CRMs will capture that data for you.

You can take your partials and transport them to your Email Marketing Solution…

Then send them an autoresponder sequence where you encourage your partials to complete their order.

The key to these sequences is keeping the emails diverse.

Day 1, you might send an email with a subject line like, “Forgot Something?”…

Day 2 might be a story about one of your happy customers…

Day 3, you could do a lengthy piece of content about one of the main features or benefits of your product…

Day 4 might be a 10% off coupon…


When I’ve done sequences like these in the past…

They go for 7-14 days…

And if the prospect still hasn’t bought by the end…

I put them into a general autoresponder list…

Where I hit them with a combination of value content + affiliate offers.

Okay, and a seventh way you can monetize your email data…

Is by emailing your declines.

This is similar to partials…

Except your declines are even more valuable…

Because they tried to purchase your product or service already…

But, for whatever reason, their credit card didn’t go through.

So, I’d have a multi-day email sequence encouraging them to try again with a different card…

Or to call their bank.

And, in this sequence…

I would also be reminding them of how amazing your product/service is…

That way you have the best opportunity possible to close the sale.

I had originally planned on keeping this email fairly “short”…

But it turns out, there are just a lot of ways to monetize your email data!

Hopefully, you can see how valuable this stuff is, though.

For my HLH company…

While we did $23MM in revenue in a single year…

Almost half our profit came from the email list!

And for this new offer, I have cranking along with Cody at 400-500 sales a day…

I need to make sure we’re super on point when it comes to our data.

Because if can maintain 500 front end customers a day for a full year…

That’s something like 178,000 new customers.

And, if I can get each customer to be worth $4 per month…

That would mean about $4,620,000 in additional profit over the next year.

Even if it’s just $2 per name per month…

That’s still $2,310,000 in extra profit, just from being dialed in with my emails.

Plus, the profit doesn’t stop after a year…

Many of those customers will keep buying into year 2 and beyond.

Alright, so that’s it for today.

Tomorrow, we’re going to talk about an entirely different way that you can monetize all of your existing data – over the phones…

Which is something a lot of people aren’t doing much of…

And they’re leaving a LOT of money on the table as a result.


P.S. Like I mentioned in the last blog post

Justin and I did a free Zoom Training about how to increase Upsell conversions and increase AOV.

There were over 200 people on the call…

And if you want to watch it… head over to my YouTube channel and watch it there.

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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