If you’re not growing, you’re dying

I enjoy taking risks.😊

Not just in some weird “let’s go skydiving, bro!” type way…🤔

But also when it comes to business.🧑‍💻

The reason why is simple:

If you’re not growing, you’re dyingI’d rather be growing and evolving than stagnant and dying…

And in order to grow, you generally need to try new things…

Which inherently involves taking risks.

If you haven’t noticed, the world is changing faster than ever before…

That’s not just something that old people say…

It’s true.

A lot of the reason why has to do with technology.

It used to take years to get a vaccine for viruses…

We got the COVID vaccine in 1 year.

Social media platforms are launching and being adopted with increasing speed (Tik Tok, Clubhouse, maybe BitClout)…

Marketing channels are evolving rapidly (challenge funnels, selling through DMs, etc.)…

Industries are changing rapidly (within the realm of Direct Response, more and more focus on ethical marketing and more people doing eComm)…

Crypto fortunes are created and destroyed in a matter of minutes…

And those examples still don’t fully illustrate my point.

What I’m really talking about is Ray Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerating Returns…

If you’re not growing, you’re dyingThe central thesis of which is that, in the 21st century, we’re going to experience about 20,000 years of technological progress), not a simple 100 years.

Kurzweil postulated this quite a while ago, and by many indications it’s panning out like he predicted…

And while Kurzweil can sometimes seem pretty “out there”…

He’s also a ridiculously accomplished inventor/scientist/intellectual…

Having received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation (the U.S.’s highest honor in technology, which is awarded by the president)…

He’s also the recipient of numerous MIT grants…

The holder of 21 honorary degrees…

A long-time executive at Google who was hired by the co-founders…

And basically has an over-achiever resume that would make most peak performers flush with envy.

Well, Kurzweil thinks things are moving faster than they ever have before…

And whether he’s 100% right about the Law of Accelerator Returns, or just 10% right…

The consequences to us are still the same: things will continue to change and evolve at an ever-increasing pace.

So like I said, the world won’t just seem to be moving faster…

It will be moving faster.

And that’s why I believe it’s important to evolve and change with it.

Here’s the big, important AF secret to success:

If you’re not growing, you’re dyingYou must find a way to navigate the tension between what’s working today and what you think could work tomorrow.

There’s no easy way to do that…

But you’ve got to look at yourself as an experimenter and a risk-taker.

You’ll fail often, and sometimes it’ll even be painful…

But from my perspective, it’s also essential for anyone who wants to experience longevity in their industry.



P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link




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Stefan Georgi

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