It’s About Who You Know

I have a personal coaching client named Ben. 👨‍🏫

He also happens to be my only coaching client…

And the reason why, is because I honestly don’t want any more. 🤷‍♂

About a year ago I thought maybe I did, but I’ve since realized that the ROI on my time just isn’t there for private coaching – and I’d need to charge something crazy like $100k a month for it to make sense to me.

So, no new coaching clients for me…

But Ben is grandfathered in…

And it helps that I really like the guy…

Because it means I’ll keep being his “coach” until he decides he doesn’t need me anymore.

Anyways, though, here’s why I bring up Ben…

I’ve helped him with a ton of mindset stuff over the past year…

And in addition to this, I’ve also helped him to launch a lead-gen business.

The lead-gen stuff was going well…

But then COVID-19 hit and the people he was targeting stopped wanting leads (because they couldn’t do anything with them).

It’s About Who You KnowSo we needed to pivot.

Well, I’d always told Ben that if something ever happened, and he needed to find a new source of income, I’d be able to help him.

Most of the time this had come up in the context of Ben being afraid to go “all-in” on his lead gen stuff…

Because it meant firing low-paying clients who he didn’t like working with anyways.

I’d previously told Ben to fire them…

And said, “I’ve got your back if the time ever comes, don’t worry.”

Well, after COVID-19, the time came…

Ben said, “you know, I’d really feel more secure if I had one more high paying client”…

And I said, “hold my beer.”

It’s About Who You KnowOkay, I didn’t say that…

But the second we were off the phone, I reached out to an ex-business partner of mine…

Told him about Ben, and how I wanted the business partner to hire him to write a sales letter…

And that I would guarantee Ben’s work…

Meaning that, if for some reason the sales letter he delivered wasn’t good…

Then I’d just redo it for free.

I put a bit of pressure on myself by doing that…

Especially since Ben had only ever written ONE sales letter before in his life…

But I was confident in Ben’s abilities…

Especially since I had taught him my RMBC Method for writing copy previously. 

My ex-business partner happily agreed…

And, in less than 24 hours…

I’d gotten Ben a job that paid $7,500 up front + commissions on sales of up to $12,500.

It was pretty cool…

And Ben did a killer job with the sales letter, too.

In fact, my ex-business partner is thrilled and will probably hire Ben for more projects in the future.

Then, there’s what happened next.

It’s About Who You KnowI have a young up-and-coming writer in my mastermind who was feeling a bit stressed about his financial situation.

Let’s call him “M”…

And “M” actually just had his best month ever as a freelancer…

But, being on his own is still something new, and he gets nervous.

Well, there was someone I knew who was looking for a copywriter for a project, and he said he was paying $7k for the gig.

I reached out to the guy and said he should hire M, but that I wanted him to pay M $10k instead of $7k.


Because I promised to look over all of M’s work before it got submitted, to make sure it was ultra-high quality.

It’s About Who You KnowWhat’s funny here is that M doesn’t have a TON of experience writing the type of copy this client needs…

But, because I vouched for him…

The prospective client agreed, and M just got a $10k gig.

Oh, and the best part about this?

That same prospective client actually told me he had a second opportunity, too…

So I was able to get another person in my mastermind a high-paying copywriting gig with this client too.

Pretty good stuff, right?

And we actually have a full jobs board for my Copy Accelerator mastermind…

Where we’re constantly posting copywriting gigs for our freelance members – gigs that  pay anywhere from a few thousand dollars to upwards of $25k.

Since we started doing this a year ago, we’ve generated millions of dollars worth of jobs for our members…

And even with COVID-19, virtually every single one of our freelancers has been having their best month ever.

And then there’s what’s going on in the private Facebook Group for my RMBC Method copywriting course.

The head of hiring for a large marketing agency hit me up and said she’s looking for copywriters, and she’s paying between $65 and $85 an hour.

So, I posted about that in the FB Group…

A few people who bought my course emailed me about the job…

It’s About Who You KnowAnd I forwarded their resumes and emails to the woman in charge of hiring.

I can’t say for certain that she’ll hire all three…

But I can tell you that they have a much better chance than someone who just applied for this job through the company’s website…

Because they’re getting a warm introduction from me.

Then, I actually posted two more jobs in the RMBC Facebook Group, too…

One specifically for International Writers, to do copy for a company that owns a ton of eComm brands…

And the other position is to be a “copy chief” for that company – with a six figure salary attached.

So, what’s the point of this blog post?

Is it to tell you how awesome I am?


Is it to sell you something?

Mostly no.

The mastermind is full, and I don’t want coaching clients.

If you want to master copywriting, then you should invest in my RMBC Course, but if you don’t want to or don’t have the money to right now, that’s fine too.

None of those things are the main reason for the email…

The main reason for the email is to remind you of a really important point:

It’s About Who You KnowYour network is EVERYTHING. 

It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know.

When you know the right people, everything becomes so much easier.

You get to fast-track your success…

You “skip the line”…

And everything becomes frictionless and easy.

So please, nurture your network as much as you can.

Once it’s safe to do so, start going to masterminds, conferences, and live events as much as possible…

And in the meantime – join Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, forums, etc…

Then post regularly and engage with other people…

So that you can get your name out there and start building relationships.

It’s BY FAR the single fastest way to level up your life.

– SPG 

P.S. If you’re wanting to know more about me, what I’m all about, and why I do what I do…

Check out this video on YouTube that was made by director Jude Charles.

It’ll give you a really solid overview and I think you’ll enjoy it a lot.

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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