On Going with the Flow

I’m really good at going with the flow.😎

It wasn’t always this way…🤷‍♂️

Little things used to set me off…😒

But a few years back, I had this realization…

Which was that while I can’t control all the things that happen to me…

I can pretty much always control how I respond.

As such, it takes a LOT to put me on “tilt.”

I’ve had a ton of successes in the past 8 years or so…👆

But also lots of failures…👇

Including losing $2MM in a failed CBD Venture…

copywritingAnd more recently, losing $1MM on a failed Agency.

Those things sucked…

But not only did I learn a ton of lessons from them…

They also made me more resilient.

There’s the old cliché about, “Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”…

And while I normally want to roll my eyes when someone says this…

For the most part, it's true.

Oh, and by the way, I was writing this to you from my house in San Diego…

Not the resort in Laguna Beach that I booked for the weekend and that cost over $1,000 per night, which I mentioned in the previous post.


The resort itself was nice, and the location was incredible…

copywritingBut the room was insanely hot. 

There’s no AC at the resort, which is actually kind of common for coastal stuff in Southern California…

However, I’m not sure if it’s the design of the room or what…

But even with the patio door open, and a strong ocean breeze…

The room just would not cool down.

I’m talking about a legit 20-30 degree difference between inside the room and outside.

It was nuts, never experienced anything like it.

The room was hot when I checked in…

But I figured it would cool down in the evening, especially with the patio open…

Yet by 9 pm, the room temperature had to have been at least in the mid-80s still.

So I still spent the night…

But then I woke up early in the morning (like usual, about 5:30 am)…

Walked a few blocks to a coffee shop…

Then, I packed up my stuff and drove home.

The reason I bring this up is because while it might seem kind of trivial or a “first world problem” (and I hate that phrase)…

Something like that could still put a person into a tailspin.

The point of booking the resort was to have a “Stefan-cation”…

Do a bunch of deep work and strategic thinking…

And relax and recuperate…

Now, I'm not doing any of that at the resort.

Plus, there’s the money I spent…

So yeah, I could get really pissed about it…

But it’s whatever.

It’s okay.

Instead, here’s my plan: 

My wife Laura just took our daughter to grandma’s house, where she’ll be spending the night…

I’m going to dive in and do my “deep work” from home…

Then in the afternoon, Laura and I are going to drive back up to Laguna Beach together…

Walk around, visit the art galleries, get dinner, and figure it out from there.

copywritingI’ll bring an overnight bag with me when we go…

And maybe we’ll spend the night in that hotel room…

Or maybe it’ll be deathly hot again, and we won’t…

But either way, it’ll be fine…

And I like that…

I like that I’m someone who can go with the flow…

And not let little things that are ultimately inconsequential set me over the edge.

It’s one of the best life skills I have…

So I just wanted to share…

Because while I have no idea if this post is at all valuable to you or not…

It’s what I felt like sharing at the point of writing. 🙂


– SPG 

P.S. Just to really drive this point home:

There’s a pretty direct correlation between me going with the flow and my income. The more I’ve “surrendered” to things, the more successful I’ve become. So I wanted to point that out as well 🙂

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.


© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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