“Bumper sticker people”
I tend to get annoyed by bumper stickers.😒 Not all of them…🤔 Rather two types specifically:👇 Type 1: “Declarations” These are the stickers that...

The Most Successful Copywriters I Know Have These 7 Qualities
If you were to walk in on a gathering of the world’s most elite copywriters, you’d see a very diverse group. No archetype…just a bunch of different...

Use LinkedIn to Get More Freelance Copywriting Business
A moment of respect for LinkedIn. The world’s largest professional online network gets three people hired every minute! And with its new Service...

Work Faster in 2022 (Part 2)
If you’re a business owner or freelancer, you likely chose this path at least in part because of one major bonus: there’s no one telling you how to...

New Year’s Resolution: Work Faster in 2022
The amazing thing about being a freelancer is that you’re the master of your own time. The challenging thing about being a freelancer is that you’re...

Are grammar mistakes acceptable in copywriting?
Daniele Saccardi, Campaigns Manager at Preply.Leniency In Copywriting Grammar mistakes are almost impossible to avoid entirely but a good copywriter...

Do Content Writers Also Need to be Copywriters?
There’s a clear difference between content writers and copywriters, but many would argue that the dividing line is more blurred than ever and that...

Freelancers – how do you get yourself to take downtime?
If you’re a freelance copywriter, you know the rewards of being able to control your work schedule, but you’ve probably also crossed the line where...

You’re Good Enough to Get that Dream Client. Here’s How.
All of us have someone we dream about writing for. Maybe you’ve even reached out to them before. If they brushed you off or just didn’t reply at...

Get More Action out of Your Call to Action (9 Tips)
Picture this “Save the Schoolhouse” meeting. You file into the 150-year-old “Little Red Schoolhouse” along with dozens of people from your...

Stress-Free Holidays for Freelancers—It’s Possible!
The irrationality of the square root of 2 Trisecting the general angle Doubling the cube If you’re a math buff, you probably know what all of these...

Direct response copywriters: how would you write the worst copy ever?
All direct response copywriters are chasing conversions, but there are some things that will drive them away…far away. Want to know what to avoid in...

Why Your Emails Aren’t Making Money
Maybe you’re a business owner. Maybe you’re copywriter. Either way, you’ve worked hard on that email. You’ve written and re-written it in hopes that...

Stop worrying about the critics
If you’ve been following my content for a while, you know I like musicals…🎼 And besides Hamilton, my favorite musical is Les Miserables. I remember...

One dog, two tennis balls…
My dog Winston loves to play keep-away with tennis balls.🏐 Many evenings we’ll go out into the backyard, and I’ll spend thirty minutes or so chasing...

When you can’t trust yourself (mindset)
Here’s a question that recently came from a Copy Accelerator member:👇 “How can I grow as a copywriter and marketer if I can’t trust myself?” This...

When it comes to copy, be a “Sell Out”
As with most places where rich tourists tend to flock, Park City, Utah has a lot of art galleries.🖼 My wife Laura and I always try to take at least...

Freelancers – what skills can give you an advantage no matter your industry?
An NPR study released in 2020 showed that 2 million Americans had started freelancing in the prior year, fueled largely by the pandemic. Today, more...

Keeping “the Main Thing the Main Thing” as a Freelance Copywriter
I once got this advice from a wise old farmer: “The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing.” His advice sounded simple and folksy at...

“The mother of all recessions is coming”
I recently read an article on Business Insider about how Michael Burry, the famous investor who called The Housing Crash, thinks "the mother of all...
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