Site icon Stefan Georgi

ā€œRMBC Helped Me Cinch A $4MM Launchā€


Good morning,šŸ˜Š

So Justin Goff received a cool RMBC success storyā€¦šŸ¤©

He ran into a friend out in Austin and he recommended RMBC to her.

She then used it when launching a business and financial freedom coaching platformā€¦

And she sent him the following email, which he forwarded to me:šŸ“©

ā€œHey Justin,

Iā€™m the girl who said hi to you while paddle boarding on Town Lake the other weekend and thanked you for introducing me to RMBC.

When we spoke, I said I was in the middle of a product launch for

Well, we finally closed the cart last weekā€¦

And we surpassed our $4 Million sales goal by over $380,000 dollars!!!Ā šŸŽÆ

Iā€™m sharing this with you because RMBC gave me a framework, and more importantly, the confidence to write my ass off.

Prior to this launch, I had written scripts for ads, webinar registration pages, and whatnot, but Iā€™d never written a full-blown VSL from scratch.

And even though Iā€™d written sales pages before, the copy for this launch scared the crap out of me.

Maybe it was because it was our flagship product. Or simply because it was the biggest launch of the year.

I donā€™t know, but I really got in my head and let imposter syndrome take over.

I literally pulled 3 all-nighters in one weekā€¦.

Staying up writing, studying RMBC and Breakthrough Advertising, rewriting, then fueling up on coffee for my 8 am meetings.

Now that the results came back shattering our expectations, my confidence is through the roof.

Iā€™m super stoked about getting better (and faster) at using the RMBC method and making it second nature.

It truly is a game-changer.

I canā€™t thank you and Stefan enough.

RMBC is worth every penny!ā€

Pretty awesome, right?

I love hearing stories like thisā€¦

And I also love that this example comes from the coaching spaceā€¦

Because it just proves what Iā€™ve been saying for years:

While some people think that because I write a lot of health copy, RMBC must only be for people who sell supplementsā€¦

That couldnā€™t be further from the truth.

My friend Hilary Turner used RMBC to write compelling campaign emails that raised money and helped her clinch the democratic primary for a congressional campaign sheā€™s running in West Virginiaā€¦

Folks are using RMBC to crush it in the financial space (just ask Jake Hoffberg who had his best launch ever thanks to this method)ā€¦

And itā€™s one of the most powerful tools out there for effectively selling biz opp, educational services, and more.

Iā€™m not one to bragā€¦

But thereā€™s a reason so many rock stars in our space have bought RMBC ā€“ like Frank Kern (he even talked about it in one of his recent podcasts), Craig Ballantyne, Dan Lok, and others:

The methodology and step-by-step copywriting training I share just flat out works.

So if you havenā€™t checked out this training program I created yet, Iā€™d highly recommend you do it (hereā€™s the link).


ā€“ SPG

P.S.Ā This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my listĀ using this link.

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