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Sometimes it’s the client


Here’s something that I wish I’d understood earlier on in my copywriting career: 👇

Sometimes it’s the client. 🤷

What do I mean?

I mean that when it comes to a funnel/promotion/offer/letter that you’ve written…✍️

There are times where success is completely determined by who the client is, their marketing skills, their operational skills, and more.

For example, I can write the best letter in the world…

But if the client doesn’t know how to get it in front of the right eyeballs, it won’t matter.🧐

Similarly, I can write a letter that ends up being “mediocre”…

Yet if the client has a dialed-in team of media buyers or high-level affiliate relationships…

That offer can become a “homerun.”

When you’re first starting out as a copywriter, though…

You tend to take the wins and losses so personally.

If you hear from a client that the offer isn’t “crushing it”…

It’s easy to immediately slip into negative self-talk where you feel like a fraud.

You’re never a fraud…

You probably still could stand to get better (we can always get better)…

But there’s also a strong possibility that the client just doesn’t know what to do with the offer.

Let’s look at another example.

For my wife’s skincare company Eden Beauty…

She’s been through 4 different media buying agencies who have all promised they can crush it on Facebook Ads for her.

Not one of them has come remotely close to matching her performance though – her ads do better, she has better targeting, she gets a better ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).

Well, this is the same situation for so many companies out there…

So if I give two different clients the same offer…

For one of them, they may never be able to get it to work on cold traffic…and the offer is a “dud”…

While for another one of them, they might have it running at 2x or 3x ROAS and gross ten million dollars off of it (and hire me for multiple additional projects).

Anyways I just want to share this…

Because it can be confusing when you’re a young writer just starting out…

And even more seasoned writers fall into this trap sometimes…

Where they tie up so much of their identity with the success of an offer they wrote.

I get it – it’s really fun to have written a big winner, and it really can boost your confidence…

But at the same time, there are also so many other factors at play when it comes to the success of an offer…

Media Buying and Customer Acquisition is a HUGE one…

So is design – sometimes the client executes horribly on that front…

And then there’s the operational stuff – when your copy goes in front of every person in the organization, each one of them makes a ton of edits, and it turns what you wrote into a jumbled Frankenstein.

None of this is to blast “clients.”

I’m often a client myself…

I love my clients…

I HATE it when freelancers and contractors talk crap about their clients.

So yeah, that’s not my intention at all…

Rather I just want to help you understand the complexities and numerous variables involved.


P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link

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