“Before joining Lite I was crappy email copy writer, writing maybe 4 times emails a week and barely scraping 2-3k per month…

Since I joined 3 months ago here are some wins…

➤ Consistently made between 5-10k per month (My ALL time goal for the past 3 years.)

➤ Successfully executed two launces at the same time when I had never done a launch before EVER. One brought in almost $25k for one of my clients (info products on a list of 30k subscribers). The other lead to me enrolling 10 high ticket paying clients.

➤ I’ve gone from crappy email copywriter to currently in the process of launching my first offer on cold traffic.

➤ Paid off the 20k of dept I had on my back from taking some rather audacious leaps.

➤ After bringing in more revenue for my clients, they were so pleased that they decided to pay half of my fee to upgrade to full copy accelerator.

➤ Had the pleasure of joining an amazing and beautiful community of the most supportive people, that continuously vomit value for nothing.

To sum it all up… Copy accelerator lite has been “alright”.

© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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