“The big thing for me was seeing what’s possible.

Back in the days, I was a part of different internet marketing groups and forums and never really got anywhere. A lot of it was because what I saw around me was very limiting.

Then once I joined CA Lite, when I saw that it was actually possible to run supplements on FB with super clean copy at scale and seeing other people successfully pull it off…I knew I had to start my own supplement offer.

Simply being  around the right people can really skyrocket things for you. Thanks to Stefan and Justin’s recommendations, the videos in the members are, and the goldmine of knowledge in the full FB group, I was able to piece together my offer with a lot more confidence. Less unknowns.

Also hired my first copywriter through CA Lite too.

And for any of you currently in Lite or about to join Lite…

While you might not be able to comment in the Full group, use that search box like crazy. Lots of gold found in past posts and comments – for both copywriters and offer owners.

This wealth of knowledge and the Copy Accelerator network help get me to a $100k profit month by the end of 2020/beginning of 2021

Love this group.

Nothing but good vibes and heavy bank accounts.”

© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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