“An underdog ready to show his talent to the world

There I was, endlessly scrolling through pictures looking for a nice introductory photo and then I saw it…

“This is the one. This explains my story!”

Hey all! I’m Sal and my life was very different in that picture a year ago.

My wife at the time was pregnant with my first son and he changed my world. When he was born in January, I realized I couldn’t go back to my old life anymore…nor did I want to ever again.

I knew that I wanted a better life for my family and to set a good example for my son. The absolute last thing I wanted him to see was a father who works a job that kills him on the inside and does nothing to change it. I needed to be able to do something where I could use my empathy and love of writing to help people.

Ever since then I’ve been spending all of my free time working towards being the best copywriter I can be. My freelance copywriting journey is off to a great start so far and I’m looking forward to taking on more clients who have a greater appreciation of quality copy. Soon my dreaded 9-5 will be a thing of the past as I get closer each day to fulfilling my dream.

For those of you who have seen the film ‘Rocky’…

I’ve been trying to climb those steps for a while and finally made it to the top.

Now I’m ready to show my talent to the world and help people!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone at the event!”

© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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