“I’ve sold well over $100MM via salesletters and I’ve realized that ALL my biggest winners followed the same overall outline as The RMBC Method. 

What I realized is that I was “accidentally” using this proven outline. 

Now I use it for every letter I do and not only can I write full sales letters in 3-4 days…I’m getting winners way more consistently. 

In fact, I just wrote a new letter recently where I forgot to follow it, and it just didn’t feel right. So I went back and redid it based on The RMBC Method and not only did it ‘feel’ more powerful…

It worked well enough that I’m consistently getting 2-2.5x ROI on paid email drops. I’m now in the process of fully rolling this offer out and expect it to be a multimillion-dollar funnel this year!” 

© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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