”Hey Stefan, I just wanted to say “thank you!” for the RMBC program…

I was already doing something similar in terms of having an organized copy creation process, but this was the “missing piece for me”.

I wrote an ENTIRE launch promo… full mini site + SLO + hotlist build + VSL…

Kick off call was 3 weeks ago…

Traffic started on Sunday…

VSL went live last night…

And even with some tech problems, we picked up $85,000 off a 4,000 person hotlist on the first day

I've already prided myself on my ability to pump out copy… When I was at AF, I was writing like 5k -10k words per week on top of all my other duties

And even though I WAY over committed to this launch project and it was unnecessarily stressful…

RMBC helped me to break a huge belief barrier.

On Tuesday this week, I had to write the ENTIRE VSL script from scratch basically so it could get filmed on Wednesday…

Started at 8am, stopped at 2am… wrote about 10,000 words (in a day).

Also, I think the AOV money close is cheating…

I've never had this big of a take rate on the lifetime option.

Did $1,495 for one year and $2,497 for lifetime.

AOV is $2,124.43 on 40 orders.

We'll see how it works at a different scale… But I think this is my highest converting promo I've ever written.”

© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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