The Fastest Way to Motivate Someone Is to win…


One of the fastest way to motivate another person…

Or yourself…

Is to win.

Sounds obvious or cliché…

But it’s true.

Quick case in point:

I have a new weight loss offer with my partner, Cody Bramlett, that I knew was pretty strong.

But, up until recently…

We’d only been testing it and hadn’t driven a lot of sales.

Recently, though, we did over 100 sales on the offer in a single day for the first time…


And this was driven by an email affiliate who dropped to her list and saw a 5.8% conversion rate and a $5.41 EPC over 36 sales…

Along with Jason Kutasi, who drove 39 sales on Facebook at a 3.9% conversion rate.

In addition to these two folks…

A few other smaller affiliates also tested the offer yesterday…

And we saw conversion numbers like 6.7%, 4.1%, and 6.9%.

So, in other words…

Last month, it became very clear that this offer is a big winner…

And that Cody and I are going to make a LOT of money from it.

And guess what?


Suddenly I started feeling really freaking motivated.

Up until then…

I’d been wanting to rework parts of the close for this offer, so I could increase the Average Order Value…

But I kept putting it off.

Then I saw the sales rolling in yesterday…

And, wouldn’t you know it…

I suddenly became a lot more motivated to make those changes…

So immediately after putting Eden down for her afternoon nap…

I rushed to my computer and made copy edits to the close…

Then sent those to Cody and his design team to get them live ASAP.

Total these edits maybe took 30 minutes…

But, they could easily increase our AOV by $30 – $50.

That’s a big difference.

Yet I just hadn’t felt any urgency to tackle them…

Until suddenly I saw sales coming in…

And realized that if I didn’t take action very quickly…


It was going to cost us a ton of profit over the coming weeks and months.

Once I made that realization though…

I was quite motivated…

And the changes got done.

This is just one example, but there are many.

As a leader…

The best way to motivate your team is to show them how their actions are helping your organization win.

As a “client”…

The best thing you can do for a copywriter you have on retainer is give them data and feedback on how their offers are doing.

As an individual…

The best thing you can do to be effective in your life is to create an environment where success and wins are the norm. Even if these are small wins too, that’s fine because those small wins add up.

That’s it’s for today.

I have a few more emails to respond to, then am going to be waking up Eden.


P.S. I’m gonna take the Packers today a +7.5. I feel pretty good about it, but of course, what the hell do I know?

P.P.S. If you have a list and want to test this weight loss offer let me know. I can link you up with Cody and his affiliate manager, Savannah.

P.P.P.S.This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.


© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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