Site icon Stefan Georgi

This Is Embarrassing But True…

This Is Embarrassing But True…

Up until my mid-twenties, I HATED dealing with a beard…

And the reason why is pretty embarrassing:

I legitimately didn’t know that beard trimmers were a thing.😬

So until then, if I grew out a beard…

I’d just let it keep going until it reached a point where I looked like a scraggly mountain man…

Then I’d either use an electric shaver or a manual razor…

But somehow nobody, not even my father, thought to tell me that you could just buy an electric beard trimmer for $30…

Then cut your beard to your desired length in about 5 minutes.

When I finally realized that this was a reality, I felt like an idiot…

But it also made my life a hell of a lot easier…

And in the past decade, I’ve almost always had a nice, neatly kept beard.

Here’s another example…

Up until a year ago…

I always HATED the winters in Las Vegas. 

A lot of folks don’t realize this…

But in Vegas, you’ll have several months where the highs are in the 40s and the lows are in the 20s…

And during those months…

I would pretty much never go outside unless I was driving to one place or another.

That was it…

And it meant that during the winter…

I didn’t do my walks…never went on hikes…and didn’t want to play outside with my daughter.

Then, last winter, something clicked…

And I realized that people all over the country spend winters in similar, or much colder temperatures…yet still do plenty of outdoor activities.

So I went to REI and bought real winter stuff…

Gloves, beanies, insulated/thermal jackets…

And guess what?

Suddenly, being outside was completely fine.

I realized I could still go for walks and enjoy the fresh air…

Still play outside with my daughter…

And that I had a great time while doing it.

So, why do I bring all of this up?

Because it’s a reminder that a lot of the time…

The things that we think we hate are actually completely agnostic…

But instead, we simply don’t have the right tools at our disposal.

I think about this with copywriting and my RMBC Method

A lot of people like the idea of copywriting, but hate the writing process…

Then they get a system like RMBC and suddenly, they’re cutting their writing time by 90%…

Never feeling stuck…

And their copy gets a lot better too.

This is what makes The RMBC Method so damn effective…

But it’s true for almost anything: 

Having the right tools makes all of the difference.

Imagine if a professional excavator worked for a company where they were only allowed to use shovels.

He or she might hate their job…

But then, suddenly, if the owner of the business realized that they could be using a giant, mechanized excavator…

And bought a fleet of them for their employees…

That would change the individual’s opinions on their job almost overnight. 

It’s the same with RMBC…

As well as other frameworks out there too.

So the takeaway here is that, for the things in your life that you hate doing right now…

It’s worth considering whether it’s the action…

Or the tools you have at your disposal…

And if it’s the latter…

Finding a way to upgrade those tools as quickly as possible.


P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.

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