I recently had a dream where I was invited to a meeting with a bunch of the core people at Golden Hippo. If you don’t know that company, Craig Clemens co-founded it and they’re a 9 figure behemoth that does deals in health, skin, pet, etc.😴
I’ve written for Golden Hippo in the past, and I know Craig well…
So I love those guys…😍
But the dream was weird.🤨
I was at this meeting, and their HR Director asked people who were new or not part of the company to introduce themselves. One person went before me, and then it was my time. When I stood up to speak though, some other people from the company got up and began dancing around, and they were talking over me, and I felt disrespected. So then I sat back down, but my resentment festered.
Then later, I was walking into the room again and someone made a comment slighting RMBC.
I shot back something about not knowing much, because after all, I’d only sold a billion dollars’ worth of stuff with RMBC…💲
And then I was like, “eff it,” and went on a mini tirade where I talked about how I think I’m the best copywriter alive today, and one of the best of all time.
In my dream, this was met by jeers and boos. Someone said “you’re taking the exact opposite approach, man,” and someone else said “show some tact.” People hated my immodesty, but I was defiant…
And then I woke up.😳
A weird dream, right?
No doubt, part of it was influenced by a dinner some time before then at French Laundry, where Lee Richter looked me in the eyes and said Craig Clemens is the best copywriter in the world…
And I shot back that he was definitely one of the best, just like me. In that argument, I refused to concede that Craig was better than me (and I was proud of myself for that).
So that’s part of it…
And then the other part is, I think, based on some reflection I’d been doing.
I had a coach say to me:
“You’re living the life you wanted…so what do you want next?”
That really opened my eyes. It got to the core of an issue I deal with, which is feeling like I’m wishy-washy or a start-stopper on certain projects, etc.
I realized the reason why I’m that way sometimes is because I don’t have a really clear vision of where I want to go next…
So I started thinking.
I won’t go into all of it right now…
But two things I did decide on:
- I want to be universally considered to be the best copywriter in the world.
- And I want to be considered the best marketer in the world, too.
And between the stuff I’m doing in the golf niche right now, and then the stuff I’ll be doing in crypto…
Plus all of the massive wins I’ve had for clients in the last 6 months and 12 months…
I don’t know how you’re going to be able to make the argument for anyone else.
So with that being said, let’s go to the second one.
See that’s important. I love big ideas and coming up with innovative ways to sell products to consumers. I just love innovation and ideas in general actually. And that’s a lot of what marketing is.
So I want to start bringing that expertise and experience to more projects and clients…
And I want companies to give me equity in their businesses simply to have me advising them their marketing strategies.
Straight up, I have better ideas on everything from product features to acquisition than almost anyone else I’ve met…
So I want to lean into that more heavily…
And generate billions of dollars for others, and also for myself.
Okay, let’s pause. The tone here might feel a little arrogant.
“I’m the best copywriter”…
“I’m the best marketer”…
“I have the best ideas”…
I get it. It’s uncomfortable to write this way and I often prefer modesty.
At the same time though, I need to lean into my own inner power more…
And that includes my confidence.😎
Another thing one of my coaches helped me realize is that I’ve been taking an approach to business where I’m still 2011/2012 Stefan…who is brand new and kind of starry-eyed and wishy-washy…
The one who “wanted” all of the things I now have.
That’s fine. But it’s time for me to step into reality…
And understand just how f***ing powerful I am…💪
Then go change the world, because I can.
P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link