You Can’t Apply Machiavelli To Leadership.

When it comes to leadership, Machiavelli doesn’t work. ☝️

It’s not better to be feared than loved…❌

It’s better to be loved.✅

When people are afraid of you, they’ll do the minimum…

When people are in love with you, they’ll move mountains. 💪

copywriting and marketingVirtually everyone likes money…💲

But what they like even more is vision.🧐

No great movement, company, or enterprise ever came about simply because the founders wanted to get rich…

The genesis is always ideological, and money is a byproduct.

So paradoxically, if you want to get rich – don’t focus on the money…

Focus on creation, innovation, and inspiration.

I know, sounds like a bunch of platitudes…

But look around…

Even the most profitable corporations today didn’t start as money grabs…

They started because someone had a vision to make things different.

Even the most bankrupt political ideologies didn’t start that way…

They started because citizens had a dream of a better tomorrow.

The moment when most companies and movements lose their way is the moment where the vision dies.

Instead of looking forward to a brighter future…

The leaders become paranoid and obsessed with maintaining the status quo…

copywriting and marketingAnd when your only motivator is to preserve the present…

You become terrified of any change or shift that threatens homeostasis.

Often these internal fears are then projected onto others…

And an infective malaise permeates through an entire organization or culture.

So remember…

When it comes to leadership, it’s better to be loved than feared.



P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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