What People Are Saying About The RMBC Method
We’re On Track To Hit $200MM and RMBC is a Huge Reason Why!
“We started our company 5 years ago with $1,000. We’re on pace to do $200 million this year and I can tell you that Stefan Georgi is a huge piece of what made that possible.
The second he walked me through his RMBC method I knew I had found the holy grail in copywriting. It was like someone had taken all of the best principles of copy and finally put it into an incredibly clear step by step system that just pulled high level copy out of you.
When the training was over, I didn’t sleep for 2 days. I went home and started cranking out our first VSL following his system and it went on to do over $50 million the next year.
Since then we’ve gone 6 for 6 on writing offers that scale massively and profitable day one on cold traffic thanks to The RMBC Method….
And I won’t work with a copywriter unless he or she follows Stefan’s RMBC method either. In fact, we train everyone in house on that method exclusively.”
A Must Have If You’re Serious About Writing High-Converting Copy
“Most copywriting teachers are only good at selling one thing: copywriting courses. Stefan, on the other hand, is out there doing it – writing winners that bring in big dollars in many different markets. If you’re serious about writing high-converting copy, I suggest you devour everything he puts out.”
I’ve Been Through Every Copywriting System and Stefan’s RMBC Method Blows Them All Away!
“I’ve been through every copywriting system and course in existence in the last 15 years – from Kennedy to Jon Benson to Clayton Makepeace – but the results Stefan’s RMBC Method produces blows everything else away. It’s truly that powerful. 80% of the offers Stefan writes end up working on cold traffic. Even good copywriters can barely hit 30-40%. He’s batting 80%. But the craziest part is that his system is replicable for copywriters at any level. I’ve seen it firsthand in our Copy Accelerator group. People come in with mediocre copy and within two months of following RMBC, they’re writing stuff that’s scaling on Facebook. RMBC just flat out works. And it’s easy to understand. I really can’t recommend it enough.”
If This Doesn’t Make You A Better Copywriter, Nothing Will!
“The list of working, active copywriters who I believe are worth learning from is very short. Without a doubt, Stefan is one of them and his RMBC course proves it. If this doesn’t make you a better copywriter, nothing will.”
RMBC Method Helps Me Write Home Run Offers!
“Stefan is not only one of the best few copywriters on the planet – producing more cold traffic “home runs” than anyone I know – he is BY FAR the fastest and most productive. That’s a testament to the power of his RMBC Method and how much it speeds up the process of writing winning copy.”
RMBC Allows Us To Beat Controls and Launch New Offers In A Fraction of The Time!
“As a business owner who writes most of our copy, I wear a lot of hats. Stefan’s RMBC Method has changed the game for us. It allows us to launch and refresh offers faster than I ever imagined possible. So I’m now able to focus way less time on writing copy, and more time growing the business as a whole.”
Now I Would Never Think Of Writing Copy Without Following RMBC!
“Before I found Stefan and his RMBC Method, writing copy was always a struggle. I always felt like I was missing something or that my sales argument was weak. The problem was that I wasn’t sure where. After learning The RMBC Method I never have that problem anymore. In fact, when I use the method from start to finish, my copy always converts. When I don’t, it doesn’t. It’s as simple as that. It’s also given me the ability to write faster, which means I can take on more clients and make more money. Bottom line, I would never think of writing any copy without following the RMBC format. It’s a game changer!”
Now My Copy Practically Writes Itself!
“I used to use a primitive ‘template’ for writing my sales pages, but after going through Stefan’s course, I finally had a refined and tested process I could rely upon to help me and my clients make exponentially more money.
I never imagined just how much proper research could dial in my copy! This part alone was game-changing for me…
Using Stefan’s RMBC Method I’ve saved hours of back and forth with clients wanting changes. It helped me speak directly to my prospects and I was able to start implementing Stefan’s approach almost instantly.
My confidence in my writing has dramatically increased watching my copy practically write itself!
If you’re serious about learning the proper way to write copy or you need to leapfrog to the next level, this course will do it.”
Removes All the Confusion and Gets You Writing Copy That Converts!
“The RMBC Method removes all confusion when it comes to writing copy that converts.
I used to struggle to put together sales letters because I didn’t know what to research or how to research it. And I didn’t feel like using those big, long, complicated research docs people are throwing around.
Stefan’s RMBC Method is truly unique and EFFECTIVE.
A big thing most people miss out on is the fact that having a unique mechanism is crucial to copy that converts.
Stefan has a very unique approach to a two part mechanism, which I’d never heard before – and it’s extraordinarily simple and effective.
Not only that, he takes all the guesswork out of writing good copy.
Having The RMBC Method is like having Stefan looking over your shoulder as you’re writing and giving you world class feedback on how to make your copy better.”
RMBC Method is a Game-Changer If You Want to Earn Serious Money As A Copywriter
“It’s rare for a copywriter of Stefan Georgi’s caliber to share their copy secrets while they’re still actively using them. Usually if top copywriters share anything, they’ll share basic and generic information…all designed to help you, but not make you a threat to them. But Stefan has shared his full copy system that is responsible for not only his own continued success, but the success of countless other ace copywriters. If you want to accelerate your career as a copywriter and earn serious money from your skills quickly, then Stefan’s RMBC Method is a game changer.”
It Used To Take Me All Day To Write Advertorials. Now I Do Them In Under 2 Hours
“If you want to write quickly, without ‘overthinking’ every step, and be able to churn out one hit after another…whether that’s a direct response sales letter, VSL, email, or an advertorial…then you need to use Stefan’s RMBC Method.
My advertorial writing went from an all-day ‘overthinking’ session to an easy-breezy 2 hours of writing including the research.
It works. It’s easy. And it removes the ‘procrastination’ feeling that normally creeps in…
It’ll even make you live longer because you won’t be as stressed worrying about how to write your next campaign.
You know what I’m saying is true so just buy the damn thing. You’ll be grateful you did.”
RMBC Cuts My Writing Time By 90%
“If there’s one ‘magical pill’ in copywriting, it’s Stefan’s RMBC Method.
It not only cuts your writing time by 90% of what it was before…
But it empowers you to systematically write high converting promos that work on cold traffic.
I can go as far as saying that I can clearly see a before RMBC Method…and an after RMBC Method in my copy.
In fact, my businesses are thriving and I’ve never been so confident in my skills as I am right now. A big part of the reason why is thanks to his method.
Honestly, if I were Stefan I would have never shared it – and I’d simply have kept it as my secret weapon to produce multimillion dollar promos like clockwork, forever.
Luckily for me and everybody else, Stefan is much more altruistic and generous than myself, lol.”
I’m Scaling My First Multi-Million Dollar Funnel Thanks to RMBC
“I’ve sold well over $100MM via salesletters and I’ve realized that ALL my biggest winners followed the same overall outline as The RMBC Method.
What I realized is that I was “accidentally” using this proven outline.
Now I use it for every letter I do and not only can I write full sales letters in 3-4 days…I’m getting winners way more consistently.
In fact, I just wrote a new letter recently where I forgot to follow it, and it just didn’t feel right. So I went back and redid it based on The RMBC Method and not only did it ‘feel’ more powerful…
It worked well enough that I’m consistently getting 2-2.5x ROI on paid email drops. I’m now in the process of fully rolling this offer out and expect it to be a multimillion-dollar funnel this year!”
RMBC Method Has Skyrocketed My Company’s Revenue!
“Stefan’s RMBC Method has made me more money than any other copywriting system by far. Once I started using this method, I was finally able to crack several new cold traffic sources. That helped me to skyrocket my company’s revenue. The method is super simple to understand and deploy and the results speak for themselves. No wonder Stefan has had so many cold traffic winners!”
RMBC Takes All the Confusing Parts About Copy And Puts Them In Order For You
“I’ve been in several masterminds. Taken every course and read every book I could find on writing effective sales copy. Stefan takes the things I found confusing and puts them in order. In fact, he has put the whole process of writing sales copy in an order that makes it easy to execute. Don’t just get Stefan’s program, use it and see your bank account fill up quickly from anywhere in the world you choose to be.”
Is it HUMANLY Possible to Write a 7-Figure Sales Letter in 3 days?
For most copywriters, it’s ABSURD to even think about pumping a high-converting sales letter in 3 days…
Yet, Stefan Georgi was able to write 12 long-form sales letters per month that generated over $100MM a year.
How the *$@# did he do that? And…can YOU do it too?
(just imagine the income-generating potential!)
Discover the Secret to Cutting Your Writing Time by OVER 80%
I’ve At Least Doubled My Income Thanks to This System!
“Before RMBC, my head was always awash with half a dozen different sales letter structures and approaches. This meant tons of wasted time, plus a bunch of blind spots that sabotaged my copy.
Since learning RMBC from Stefan, it’s focused, streamlined, and simplified the entire process for me.
Plus, I’ve cut my writing time AT LEAST in half, which means more projects and more money.
It’s basically doubled my up-front income and given a big beautiful boost to my royalty income as well.
RMBC is a life saver.”
RMBC Helps Me Hit The Sweet Spot Nearly Every Time I Write
“RMBC is the most efficient way of writing copy, period. I’ve sold around $50 million worth of products and services online. And there’s no doubt in my mind I could have 5x’d that if I came across The RMBC Method a few years earlier.
Because every good copywriter knows that feeling where you just “nail” a sales letter. When all the right words fire out of your fingertips…and the whole thing just flows effortlessly, from headline to close…
Well…instead of relying on “inspiration” to create those magic moments, RMBC gives you a systematic process for hitting that sweet spot…nearly every single time.
It produces better copy, faster, with less struggle.
Hell, just the “Mechanism” portion alone will help you write more winners right out of the gate.”
It Basically Forces You to Write Winners
“The RMBC Method is hands down the most effective, fastest way to write high converting sales pages that work. Simply follow it from top-to-bottom every time and you can’t help but write a winner…every time! Thanks so much Stefan!”
I’ve Cut My Writing Time In Half And Doubled My Personal Income With RMBC
“RMBC gives you the structure and flow required to bang out winning promos on demand. It’s like a fast-track to confidence when writing copy. After years of ‘winging’ my writing process, I finally have clarity when approaching ANY new project, in any niche. After replacing my process with RMBC I cut my writing time in half, allowing me to double my personal income from copywriting without working a minute more (I actually work a lot less if I’m honest).”
It’s A Framework to Consistently Write High Converting Copy!
“I used to dread sitting down to write copy for my business. The thought of the blank page made me push it down the to do list time and time again, which caused me a lot of stress because I know it’s one of the most important levers to fuel growth in a business. RMBC has given me the framework to consistently write high converting copy without the ‘fear’ of a blank page. Thank you!”
I No Longer Freak Out About Long-Form!
“Before RMBC I was always terrified of making a mess in my sales letters. I didn’t always know the “micro-steps” to keep my copy flowing well through each transition.
That may sound like Greek to people outside of copy. But I know other writers feel me.
Today I’m becoming a master of transitions and can improve my writing flow with ease…which means I no longer freak out about long-form copy.
Thank you, Stefan! Thank you, RMBC!”
Using RMBC Helps Me Double Conversions For Existing Funnels
“Before RMBC, I didn’t really have any clear direction when it came to my copy. Sure, I hadn’t been writing for all that long, but I’d studied other sales copy, mechanisms, templates, and the like. And yet I was still all over the place.
Having used RMBC for 12 months now, I actually know what I’m doing from start to finish. Particularly with my research and mechanism. From there it’s way easier for me to fit everything into place.
Plus, I’m using the same approach to go into funnels that are already working…spot where things can be tightened up…and then knocking it outta’ the park for my clients (I literally doubled conversions on one funnel doing this).”
It’s the Fast Track to Commanding Higher Pricing
“Stefan’s RMBC Method takes the fear and unknown out of writing copy. Structure and direction can be hard to come by, especially if you’re trying to do it on your own. Sure you can swipe and try to stich copy together but you’re not sure how it’s going to do.
RMBC is bar none the quickest way to write winning copy. A fast track to commanding higher pricing. To putting out winners that increase your credibility. And it makes it so you can do all of it consistently. You know why you’re takin the time to research, how to do it so that you’re ready for the next step. The Mechanism becomes that much easier. It puts you in the mindset to do everything with purpose so you’re not wasting any time. Dissecting everything down so that writing the actual copy is not only the easiest part but practically done for you.”
Helps Me Put Out Winning Copy Time After Time
“Before RMBC, I had structures that I knew worked for email copy, but nothing truly systematized for long form sales copy.
I knew the pieces that had to be in place, but getting things right every time, without headaches, was often frustrating.
Now, with RMBC, nothing is left to chance when it comes to writing a sales letter.
Because of it, the entire process is clear, simple, and turns out winning copy time after time.
Not only does it take SIGNIFICANTLY less time to write a sales letter, but the copy is better too.
If you’re a copywriter, you need to be using RMBC, period.”
It Takes All Of The Stress Out Of Writing A Promo!
“Before RMBC, I was a decent writer. But I had no consistency, no confidence, writing took way too long, and it was super stressful. By following Stefan’s four simple steps — Research, Mechanism, Brief, Copy — I’ve been able to cut my writing time by at least half on every project (and usually by a lot more.) My writing is leaps and bounds better. And I’ve gained a lot of confidence because I know I’m following a proven method to write winning sales letters.
And having that system to follow takes the stress out of writing a promo. When you put it all together — faster writing, better writing, more confidence, less stress — that’s a copywriter’s wet dream. I can’t recommend working with Stefan enough in any capacity. If you have any doubts about working with Stefan, feel free to reach out to me. I’m happy to connect and chat about it.”
Stefan Has Helped Us Improve Conversions Dramatically!
“Stefan is one of the very best copywriters I know and that’s saying a lot. He’s helped me and my team improve our conversions dramatically, and we look forward to continuing to learn from Stefan in the coming years.”
Structured In A Way That You Actually Want To Complete It
“Such an amazing course! Even as a media buyer, I would call it a necessity in learning for any newbie.
It’s helped us increase conversion rates and significantly reduced our turnaround time for commissioned ad copy.
I rarely endorse a product or person, but RMBC is hands down the best thing to happen to the copywriting world in a long time.
I recommend it to anyone and everyone.
And no… I didn’t get paid to do that lol.
It’s just such a bomb ass course and structured in a way that you actually want to complete it.”
Used RMBC Immediately And Made $5,600 From A Small List
“I bought RMBC and used it immediately.
I made $5,600 off it running a promo to a small list of 1,000 people for a $47 product with an upsell.
So I was happy with the results.
Thank you, Stefan.”
An Absolutely Fantastic Course, Felt Like I Scammed You For The Retail Price
“I’m sorry to write this, but having bought the RMBC course…
… I feel like I’ve been scammed.
But not in the normal way.
I feel like the price was too low.
My head is spinning from all the knowledge it’s giving me and I’m only 4 modules into Research.
I’ve even sat here, thinking, “Shit, I already can’t wait to put this to good use!”
Even though I’m mostly doing Facebook ads at the moment, I’ve already used the research tips to find new angles with ease.
And I can’t wait to get my teeth into some email clients next, before I get the cajones to hit sales pages.
For now, it’s a matter of extracting the finger and putting myself out there.
So to you Stefan Georgi, thank you.
It’s an absolutely fantastic course.”
RMBC Slashed My Research Time To One-Eighth Than It Was Before
“What makes more money than writing good copy?
Writing good copy FAST.
I achieved a goal today which was incredibly important to me: Helping my mom quit her second job. It was dreadful and now she is free.
I was a copywriter before but because of RMBC I wrote better copy way faster since I only need 1/8 of my research time now.
My copy is infinitely better and I get referrals left and right.
Thank you Stefan Georgi I am over the moon!”
RMBC Helped My Facebook Ad Convert At 3.1%!
“Drum roll, please!
RMBC has made my day!
A Facebook video ad script I wrote for an info-product is converting at 3.1%.
Pretty cool huh?
And I can’t explain how stoked and surprised I’m right now.
Special thanks to Stefan for empowering us and pouring his heart into the creation of this amazing RMBC course.”
Supportive & Engaging Community Of RMBC Members
“I know you mentioned the Facebook group as part of what you get with this course.
But I think it’s probably hard to really put a value on how good it is.
If you look, I asked a quick question about Facebook compliance and it generated like 50+ comments.
The community and engagement are amazing.”
Helped Me Land A Full Time Gig With An 8-Figure Direct Response Firm
“When I first heard about Stefan’s RMBC process I thought I’d never get the chance to learn it.
I mean, it was hidden behind his $30k+/yr mastermind and I was a completely new copywriter.
But Stefan was getting insane results and I just knew I needed to get my hands on it.
Because despite chomping through copy courses, handwriting sales letters, and more…
I was still left flummoxed with how to actually write/structure a good sales letter (and do it without slitting my wrists).
Then, Stefan released the coveted RMBC Method… and I couldn’t believe it was so affordable.
Within my first year of copy: I’ve been able to write a full 8.5k word supplement sales letter in 5 days… in a niche I knew nothing about… (and it was FUN!)…
And, to top off the year, I’ve managed to land a full time gig with an 8 figure DR firm.
I know without RMBC and the community, I’d never have the confidence and skills I have now.
RMBC is hands down the best copy course ever created.”
RMBC Gives So Much Clarity That Your Copy Almost Writes Itself
“By the time you’re on the Brief part, you have so much clarity that your sales letter almost writes itself.
Clarity is power.
*Spidey sense activated.*
RMBC is a superpower.
And with great power comes great responsibility.
I have already gone through this course 6 times (I like to keep count), not because it is not easy to digest…
But because every time I go through it, I find something new. Just make sure to turn on your lo-fi music in the background. You can thank me later.
Oh and also, it uses a “mirroring mechanism” that we humans have been using to learn faster during our entire human evolution.
Plus, it has increased my concentration, focusing hours, writing & research skill. The difference is night and day.
It has literally made me a “market detective”.
The rise of a new superpower.”
A Perfect Starting Point For Copywriters
“The perfect course for anyone who wants to learn copywriting and start getting clients.”
How have 100+ freelancers leveraged ‘RESEARCH’…
To QUICKLY replace their depressing 9 to 5 jobs with FREEDOM and a 6-Figure/month income…
And dozens of business owners to take their companies from 7 to 8 figures in less than a year?
Find out how you can EASILY boost your revenue and transform your life too
I Use RMBC Religiously Because It’s That Valuable
“This is just nuts….
I am seriously blown away.
As someone who bought and religiously makes use of RMBC I really can’t tell you just how valuable it is.
Just pull the trigger already. Stop thinking.”
Absolute Game-Changer, Works Like A Guarantee For Clients
“RMBC isn’t only the best copywriting course, it’s become a secret part of my pitch.
Whenever clients ask about the process or how I came up with a lead, I’ve already got my RMBC elevator pitch ready.
Absolute game-changer. It works like a ‘guarantee’.
Plus, if you’re new and want proven ways to write emails, Facebook ads, headlines, sales letters it’s all packaged in super easy to digest modules.
I thought the price was an absolute steal!”
2X My Income In Less Than 6 Months
“The moment when I realized that the RMBC method helped me double my income as a copywriter in less than a year.”
Not Just A Course But A Freaking Blue Ocean For Copywriters
“Someone from a copywriting group made an interesting offer to me.
He asked me to quote him a fee for the RMB part of RMBC.
What this means is… I’ll do all the Research (R), I’ll find the best Unique Mechanisms (M) for Marketing the course, and I’ll create the Brief (B).
And I’ll deliver everything in the easy-to-follow format shared inside the RMBC Method.
I won’t be putting the Copy (C) together…
But from the Research and Brief materials, he can assemble pretty much any type of copy he needs for the launch. Emails, VSL, TSL, Webinar Script, Ad copy, Landing Page, Thank you page, etc.
He could pull out all these from the RMB materials I delivered to him.
Looking back, this project was one of the most exciting ones I’ve done.
I didn’t have to write the entire copy for the launch, so I had enough time to go down the rabbit hole (and dig for gold) during the research.
And this made me discover some amazing ideas for the copy.
You see, RMBC is not JUST another course… or JUST another method of writing copy.
It’s way more than that.
It’s more like a new niche.
Like a blue ocean.
Not the biggest one (of course)… but I think we’re on to something great here.
With it, you can help more people and even make decent money – without even writing any long-form copy.
You see, just a couple of weeks ago, someone from the RMBC group reached out to me…
And guess what?
He also wanted me to help him with the RMB part of RMBC.
(Again, this means I’ll do all the Research (R)… find the best Unique Mechanisms (M) for making the offer stand out… create the Brief (B) that he could use to write the Copy (C) anytime).
Then just about three weeks ago…
Another offer owner wanted me to reformat his existing sales letter to follow the RMBC framework.
We couldn’t agree on the terms…
But then, it got me thinking.
If three people reached out to me for the same thing…
Then there’s a good chance that more people are looking for this stuff.
There are many top copywriters in the RMBC group who have more projects than they know what to do with.
And these people would gladly pay someone to go down the rabbit hole and help them with the Research… find some potential Unique Mechanisms… and provide a Brief that covers everything they need to write the copy.
So, apart from being paid to write copy for my clients… I’m also making decent money for just going through the RMBC course and being in the group.
(At least, more money than I actually paid for it. Which is an amazing ROI)
While Stefan was creating a course, and a well-structured way of writing copy.
He has also opened up a new niche for copywriters.
And he didn’t even mention it for once.
Plus, a project like this could just be a good way to start a long-term business relationship with top copywriters and offer owners.
So, as someone who’s been through almost all the material inside…
All I’m saying is:
RMBC is not just a course.
It’s a freaking blue ocean for copywriters.”
RMBC Helped Me Attract 7-8 Figure Brands For Repeated Work
“Stefan creates and defines copywriting careers.
I’ve built more momentum in 4 months than 10 years of struggling as an entrepreneur. Despite winning awards from “online gurus” whose names you’d know.
Using the RMBC Method is like brewing a perfect pot of coffee.
The sales letter is rich, full-bodied, sensual, and you can’t put it down! It makes you feel warm inside. If you’re distracted, you’ll return for the last drop!
Best of all?
It’s brewed quickly. My output has improved significantly. But even if it stayed the same, my work is 100x better than the sludge I wrote!
Today, 7-8 figure brands hit ME up for a cup… and a refill!
Your portfolio will be the 6’4” chiseled linebacker at speed dating. Everyone knows who they’re going home with.”
A Cut Above The Other Copy Courses I’ve Spent On
“As a copywriter who’s been through several courses, I can say that RMBC is a cut above the rest.
Not only is it for writing long-form sales letters, but VSLs, emails, advertorials, ads, headlines, subject lines and so much more.
The value is truly immense (the bonuses alone are worth the investment price tag)!
If you thought learning how to write a killer TSL from an industry pro would be enough, Stefan’s RMBC packs in the value like sardines in a can.
I actually bought the course for several reasons, but the reason I pulled the trigger was a mammoth 9k word VSL I had to complete for a client which I’d never done before.
Stefan’s method ensured my “Aargh! How do I do one of those?!” turned into, “Ahhh, so THIS is how you do it…”
I knew this would be a turning point for my copywriting career.
I was craving a method, a quicker system and blank-page-beating way of writing persuasive sales copy.
And this is it.”
Adaptable To Whatever Copy Situation & Intuitive
“Wow, the value I’ve received from Stefan’s RMBC Method has been immediate.
I’ve taken other copywriting courses before. Some good, some not so good. The RMBC method is the best I’ve ever seen.
I’m not just saying that either.
This is a system you can implement tomorrow, assuming you get it tonight.
That’s exactly what I did. A company reached out to me to write a YouTube script for them.
Not really copywriting, right? Well, actually, I used the principles Stefan teaches, and the client was blown away with what I sent him.
Guess what, I’d never written a VSL (Video Sales Letter) before. I guess technically, I still haven’t because it was a script, not a sales letter.
When you think about it, even something like a YouTube script is selling. I’m trying to convince the viewer to keep watching and eventually subscribe.
One more thing, I haven’t even finished the course yet!
That’s the thing about the RMBC Method, though. It’s adaptable to whatever situation you find yourself in. It’s also intuitive.
Need an email? RMBC.
Need a VSL? RMBC.
Need a Landing Page? RMBC.
Need to convince your spouse where to eat? RM…I think you can see where I’m going.
Recently, I took an old sales letter I’d abandoned a while back. I wanted to test the RMBC method on something that had me stumped previously.
Within a few minutes of working on it, I saw precisely where everything fell apart for me. (It was in the mechanism portion). I fixed it, and the letter practically wrote itself after that.
Stefan is not someone just talking the talk, either.
This guy is a major player in the copywriting space and is still putting out high-level work regularly.
You can see the skill level with his over the shoulder teaching. It’s like you’re inside the head of a true artisan.
The story behind how he developed the system will resonate with you too. It was a sink or swim moment, and I’m so glad he figured it out.
I’ll be honest with you, if it had been me who invented this system, you would not be hearing about it. Thankfully Stefan is much more altruistic than I am!”
Helped Me Become The Exclusive Copywriter For My First Client In 3 Days, Even Without Any Track Record
“With no track record…
In 3 days…
Starting from ZERO knowledge in that niche…
I wrote the LEAD for one client that sells supplements.
We organized a meeting on ZOOM to read it together…
And at the end of my presentation…
He was shocked.
He fell in love with the copy.
And he told me if I can do ALL the copy for him…
Including the funnel, VSL, email, FB ads, etc…
And all I had to do was some Research…
Find a UMP (Unique Mechanism of the problem)…
Put all in a Brief…
And write a Lead.
Btw, this is my first real client…
I’m a little bit proud of myself.”
Just Fill In The Blanks In The Framework
“RMBC method is the gold standard when it comes to learning how to write sales letters.
The framework is laid out, so you nearly have to just fill in the blanks.
I write email copy and I would still recommend RMBC even just for the module on how to do fast and effective research and the module on how to write emails that convert.
At its current price, it’s a steal. I can’t recommend it enough.”
RMBC Is For ALL Types Of Copy, Not Just Sales Letters
“At first I didn’t get RMBC because I thought it was just for sales letters.
But then I discovered you could use it for almost anything. Emails. Facebook ads. VSLs. YouTube ads.
All kinds of copy. It’s every tool you could ever need in one place.
I’m extremely thankful for RMBC because it takes a lot of the overwhelm out of the equation.
Especially since I’m a newer writer, it really helps to systematize everything and break down the overwhelm.
Plus, just one of the bonuses inside (like the email bonus) was worth the price of RMBC alone.”
Knock Out High Converting Sales Copy Systematically, Quickly & Repeatedly
“What’s the single most powerful money-making asset for every copywriter?
Whether you’re new to “the game” or a “savvy vet”…
Whether you’re writing for your own offer or as a freelancer…
Hands down… a bulletproof, step-by-step process for knocking out high-converting sales copy, quickly and repeatedly.
RMBC delivers on that promise – while eliminating all the confusion and frustration from the copywriting process.
Hell, it’s the reason why my very first Copy Legends sales page is on pace to generate $1,000,000+ this year (from the front-end offer alone)…
And quite honestly, what more could you ask for in a copywriting course?”
Just Plug & Play, Even If You Have Zero Experience
“When I bought the RMBC Method, I had zero experience writing sales letters.
Using Stefan’s RMBC method, I’ve been able to secure 3 sales letter projects in 2 months with the same client.
When he saw my first sales letter, he said: “I’ve read a lot of sales letters in the past but nothing comes close to what I’ve just read… filled with open loop and storytelling!”
This is all because of this perfect RMBC method structure.
I highly recommend it and you can easily write a sales letter in under 30hours as a complete beginner!
Just plug and play.”
Used RMBC To Land A Gig With A 7-Figure Entrepreneur
“By implementing what I learned from just ONE module in RMBC–not even the whole course–I landed a gig to write emails for a 7-figure digital info product entrepreneur.
A high-level client I would never have dreamed of pitching before taking the RMBC course.
If you’re a beginner, RMBC will give you a solid framework to write copy that converts into sales.
If you’re advanced, RMBC will help make the copywriting process less painful and allow you to write faster.
So you can get sales letters done and start testing new offers faster.”
Super Comprehensive, Straightforward & A Huge Time Saver
“I bought Stefan’s course before I ever wrote a sales letter.
At the time I didn’t fully know what sales letters even were.
But I knew RMBC would help – and it did. I whipped out my first sales letter in one week.
But more than that it gave me guidance and direction when it came to copy in general.
Sure RMBC’s “main focus” is writing sales letters.
But it has helped me with emails and advertorials too. In fact, if you’re reading this now Stefan’s already in the middle of adding MORE to it.
Super comprehensive, straightforward and a huge time saver.”
RMBC Is Comprehensive Yet Easy To Use
“I’ve taken other courses on writing sales pages before, but they were all either too basic or way too complicated to implement.
But RMBC method was different – it’s both comprehensive and easy to use.
If you’ve ever struggled with structure in your sales pages, or the ‘logical flow’ of your sales arguments, or how to transition smoothly between different sections…
RMBC solves all of that for you.
Best part is it takes what seems like a gargantuan task (writing a full sales letter) into bite-sized modules that you can work on individually and come back to later.
So you never feel like you’ve “lost your place” and have to regather your thoughts when you come back to the work.”
RMBC Provided So Much Value Than Countless Marketing Classics
“I’ve read countless classics in the sales and marketing space.
Never have I come across a course that provided so much value as Stefan’s when it comes to talking the consumer’s language.
He teaches you how to speak to them as a friend and use impactful language to craft killer sales letters.
My business is growing and Stefan is part of that success.
Thank you Stefan!”
Helped Me Close A $2,000/Month Deal
“Hey Stefan, your RMBC method gave me my first client.
The client posted a trial project in a Facebook group. And he said the one with the best ad will get the job.
So I followed your RMBC method and implemented it directly to this trial test.
Out of 50 applicants, he said my ads were by far the most effective and compelling.
So thanks man. I closed a 10 hours per week deal for $50/hour.
That’s $2,000/month for just 40 hours.
Thank you bro.”
RMBC Gave Me The Confidence To Write Copy, Which Is Priceless
“So last month, I dived into RMBC.
I said in my last post that it gave me knowledge.
Knowledge like:
– Where to find the best real-life stories from your target market.
– How to structure sales letters so they capture attention and persuade the reader.
– How to construct leads, headlines, and fascinations that hit the hearts of your audience.
– What to focus on when building your unique mechanism.
And much more that would make this post very long if I listed all of it.
It’s knowledge that will boost my business success, I’m sure.
And there’s plenty of explanations and examples for each subject.
All of my initial questions for each area were answered in the videos that I watched.
But I also said RMBC gave me more than knowledge.
So what was the ‘more’?
It was something almost as valuable as knowledge.
Some would say even more valuable.
Before RMBC, I’d had a decent track record.
But I’d only been in the game for 6 months, so I often doubted the effectiveness of my copy.
Now, I don’t have to worry about that.
Whenever I don’t feel confident in myself, I can feel confident in the RMBC process I’ll use to get from A to B with a client.
And that’s priceless.
It will reduce my hesitation and procrastination, and give me a reason to push away anxious thoughts whenever they rise up.
Because I don’t have to worry about being wrong. I just have to apply the lessons I’ve learnt, knowing that the more I do it, the better I’ll get.
Plus, as I gain experience with the RMBC process, I’ll be able to work faster, sign up more clients, and earn more money.
So I fully expect that RMBC will prove itself as a turning point in my copywriting career, as it has for so many others before me.
Thank you Stefan for creating this awesome course! It’s given me exactly what I needed.”
I Never Have To Wing Any Piece Of Copy Ever Again
“It’s like the day I bought my first Nintendo 64…
About 10 weeks into my full-time copywriting journey, I landed my first 8,000+ word project: a VSL, 3 web pages of sales copy…the whole kit and caboodle.
(Truth be told, it probably could have been about 3,000 words less than it was, but I’ll get to that in a minute…)
Now, you’d probably think I was stoked to finish the project…
And, you’d be right…
Because it crushed me.
I dove headfirst into the project full of beginner’s enthusiasm, pounding away at the keyboard for hours, churning out the words…
And don’t get me wrong, I loved working on the project and I’m really happy with the finished copy (which will go live in a few weeks)…
But by the time I finished, I felt like I’d reread and edited the copy at least 100 times…
I kept finding new things to add in as I was learning…
And I noticed that as my knowledge deepened, I started switching some sections around to follow a more trusted and proven formula…
Then just a few days ago, I did something I’ve been wanting to do for weeks…
I invested in RMBC…
And man, is it just what I thought it would be…
Like I said in my opening line, “It’s like the day I bought my first Nintendo 64…”
Because ever since I “opened up the box and switched it on”, I’ve been completely hooked…
Not only has it been thoroughly engaging content and really well presented…
Having just finished off my first monster project, RMBC gave me that refreshing feeling…
“Thank god I’ll never have to wing a sales letter like I just did EVER again.”
In fact, thank god I’ll never have to wing ANY piece of copy ever again.
I now have the key to be more EFFICIENT…
I can break things down and follow a system that dissolves those nasty feelings of overwhelm into a calm and relaxed certainty…
PLUS, let’s not forget…
I now have the structure, formulas, knowledge, patterns, tips, and tricks to become more EFFECTIVE and deliver a better result…
Which at the end of the day is what clients really care about…
And more importantly…
Is what gives you progressive confidence as you rise to higher levels in the copywriting game.
So I wanted to share this with you because if you’re in the position to invest and you’re on the fence…
AND you’re feeling lost, under the pump, behind or doubting your ability…
Then do yourself a favor and get RMBC…
It just makes things simpler. You have less friction…
It saves you the hassle of getting yourself out of the way…
Which in my opinion is one of the best feelings you can ever have as a copywriter.
So go ahead and jump on RMBC.
Trust me, you’ll be a lot happier you did.”
RMBC Helped My Landing Page Convert At 11%!
“Hey Stefan – just an update….. that landing page is killing it – its been sent out over 30 times and converting at around 11%!”
Do you get a knot in your stomach every time you sit down to write copy?
The fear can be especially paralyzing when looking for or coming up with the Unique Mechanism or BIG idea, right?
Here’s how you can eliminate the uncertainty, anxiety, and PROCRASTINATION struggle that come from staring at a blank white page…
And come up with 7-Figure Unique Mechanisms!
RMBC Helped Me Cinch A $4 Million Dollar Launch
”RMBC gave me a framework, and more importantly, the confidence to write my ass off.
Prior to my product launch for Amzing.com, I had written scripts for ads, webinar registration pages, and whatnot, but I’d never written a full-blown VSL from scratch.
And even though I’d written sales pages before, the copy for this launch scared the crap out of me.
Maybe it was because it was our flagship product. Or simply because it was the biggest launch of the year.
I don’t know, but I really got in my head and let imposter syndrome take over.
I literally pulled 3 all-nighters in one week….
Staying up writing, studying RMBC and Breakthrough Advertising, rewriting, then fueling up on coffee for my 8am meetings.
Now that the results came back shattering our expectations, my confidence is through the roof.
I’m super stoked about getting better (and faster) at using the RMBC method and making it second nature.
It truly is a game-changer.
I can’t thank you and Stefan enough.
RMBC is worth every penny!”
RMBC Helped Me Triple My Income As A Newbie Freelancer
”I quit my job in March…
Off of a friend’s suggestion…
Because I was working 70+ hours a week for peanuts (you’d know the influencer if I mentioned the name)…
He said “If you put in the same amount of time on higher income activities, you could make so much more.”
It was a big decision.
I’ve been fascinated with copy for years, but just started taking it seriously after seeing Justin Goff speak live at an event in January…
Since then…
I’ve bought RMBC and used it to write Stefan Georgi a lead for a sales letter, among 80+ other applicants…
He picked me, and some other great copywriters…
And in total, I’ve brought in 6500 this month.
PURELY from applying Justin’s 0-10k/mo method and RMBC.(Justin’s talk is free on YouTube btw).
Even though it’s only been 5 months…
That’s more than TRIPLE what I used to make working 70+ hours a week…
AND I’ve worked shorter days than ever….
AND taken more time off than ever…
So, I just want to say thanks.
Thanks for giving me the tools to more than triple my income at my old job…
Thanks for helping me get my life back…
And have a lot of fun doing it.
It’s made all the scary decisions over the last few months worth it.
Copywriters, we all have the same tools, and the same opportunity to make our own success stories…
You can be the next one if you do everything Justin and Stefan say.
And deliver great work for people.
Again, there’s zero incentive for me to write this.
But when you give enormous value to people, you can’t help it if they cheer your name.
This is month 5. And It’s only the beginning.”
Made Investment Back Within First Day Of Applying RMBC
”Stefan’s RMBC Method is the clearest and most thought out approach I’ve seen in the last 10 years.
Before watching this course, I was getting lost in learning how to create a funnel that converts with high AOV’s.
There’s so many tools, techniques, and funnel types out there that it’s easy to get “information overload”… and it’s hard to structure it down to a repeatable process that you can trust works across niches & verticals.
This was extremely frustrating for me… because you invest time into learning and following a method, you want to know you’re making the right decision and not wasting that time on something that’s a bust or is unproven.
For the last 10 years I’ve generated well into the 8 figures running traffic as an affiliate. Everything in the course is not only for freelancers and offer owners, but it is applicable to building out landing pages, ad copy, and creating angles.
Once I applied Stefan’s process to my campaigns I noticed a ridiculous impact in performance.
I’ve made back the money spent on the course within the first day of applying the principles he teaches.
My ad’s CTR more than doubled (and on broad cold traffic), my landing page’s CTR have gone up about 33% (from an average of 30-33% to 40-45%)… those jumps have decreased my front end costs, and exponentially improved my ROI on third party offers… where I don’t have control over their pages!
I’m in the process of building out my own offers, and am very excited to apply the same principles there as well.
Aside from the actual content… I think the biggest value takeaway (and it was really hard to choose since there were so many), was actually watching Stefan go through each phase of the process and listening to how he thinks… why he does what he does… and then relating that to your work.
Stefan has been answering any question that pops up in the FB group, and there are over 200 people in it. He is dedicated to helping you succeed, and getting first hand feedback from someone as smart as Stefan is worth more than the $1k price tag.
If you’re actually serious about anything related to selling online, this is a no brainer. Invest in your education with something so comprehensive, and made by someone who ACTUALLY CARES.”
Unlike Other Courses, RMBC Is Detailed, Well-Organized & Easy To Understand
”Thank you Stefan! You should know that I’ve taken a ton of courses (I love learning – but I implement it all), and this is by far the most comprehensive, all-out course I have ever seen.
And that’s saying a lot, since I’ve taken Todd Brown’s E5 Camp and Joanne Wiebe’s 10X Freelancer… and they are massive.
For anyone on the line about deciding whether to buy this or not… you will NOT find anything else this detailed, yet well-organized and easy to understand.
I know, because I’ve been searching for one.
The over-my-shoulder videos where you get to see Stefan writing out in real time are worth that alone.
Don’t wait, because I can’t imagine it will stay at this price for long. 🙂
Thanks again Stefan for giving so much value, and for caring :)”
Got 4-5x ROAS Right Out Of The Gate With RMBC
”I used to get so lost writing long form sales copy… My only strategy was to model what other people were doing, which means the only offers I created were mediocre “me too” offers.
Then I learned Stefan’s RMBC method and right out of the gate, I hit a home run on cold traffic, getting 4-5X ROAS on an average day!
My biggest breakthroughs were in market research, where I discovered dozens of “gems” and pain points that no one else in my niche was talking about… and storytelling, which adds an emotional knockout punch to otherwise bland copy, especially in my VSL leads.
If you’re a serious copywriter, then you NEED to know the RMBC method… This is the #1 formula that’s working right now, in 2020 and beyond.”
Should Have Gotten RMBC Sooner, The Investment Paid Itself Back 3x In 20 Minutes!
”Complete rip off.
This might seem harsh to Stefan Georgi because we have been friends for so many years.
I believe I owe it to you to be honest because I was probably one of your first clients from back in the day when you could barely get someone to open a birthday card.
I purchased your RMBC training thinking it would help me connect better with my members.
I dove right in and then started on my first email.
I did exactly what you said and admittedly it was well orchestrated.
But now every time I write emails to my members I feel like ripping off my shirt to reveal the S on my chest.
Your effing method made me a Superman of copywriting.
The big drawback …
I spend twenty minutes tiger king walking around my laptop admiring my kill.
You know what’s even worse?
I think the S on my shirt stands for Stefan.
F.U. I should have had this sooner!
Seriously…this investment paid itself back 3x in 20 minutes.
Well done!”
Get RMBC For A Steal Before Stefan Catches On & Bumps Up The Price
”I robbed Stefan Georgi! Mwahaha!
At least I felt that way after the low price I invested into the RMBC Method.
Dude put way more value into that than what he’s asking for in return.
As an investor, I’m thrilled if something gives me consistent returns of 15%. Most people get less than that.
I see an easy 100X return on this, not including the compound of putting my copy guys onto it.
(And that’s majorly downplaying it.)
Risk vs Reward… ?
No risk = no brainer
Y’all better go grab it before he catches on…
He’s got it priced at a steal.”
RMBC Changed The Life of This Non-Native English Speaker
”It’s CRAZY to imagine that just 9 months ago, I was 2 weeks away from getting evicted…
Not knowing what I’d do with the rest of my life…
Feeling like a total loser…
And hating every minute I logged on into Facebook…
Because I’d see how everybody else I knew had zoomed past me…
And that they were literally where I wanted to be…
While I was depressed, starving and so broke I couldn’t even pay rent on a one-room place.
But ever since Stefan offered me a chance to work with him and learn his proven RMBC Method…
My life has changed completely.
In fact, even though this is going to sound like bullshit…
I’m now among the top 5% of earners in my country…
Which is something I could not have dreamed of even in my wildest dreams.
And to be honest…
It’s super hard for me to share any of this so publicly…
Because some of the hardships I’ve faced are a little embarrassing…
And also…
Because I’m super introverted (maybe too introverted for my own good).
So why am I sharing any of this anyways?
Mostly because I want to say thanks to Stefan.
He’s a kind… generous… compassionate… and just a remarkable human being all round.
But other than just “sucking up” to The Boss… LOL
There’s another reason why I’m sharing this with you…
And it’s pretty simple:
You see…
If you’re on the fence about working with Stefan…
Or unsure whether the RMBC Method will work for you… your business… or your niche…
Then take it from me…
It works.
And by the way…
It’s true that I don’t earn the six-figure, mouth-watering sums other top copywriters make…
And I clearly (LOL) don’t run a seven-figure business…
But I know that if the RMBC Method can change the life of a non-native English speaker with a high school diploma…
Then there’s a much better chance that it can – and quite probably WILL – dramatically change your life.
So take the leap…
And set yourself up for the kind of success that will literally have everybody else wondering how you did it so FAST…
Right in the middle of the worst crisis in generations.
RMBC is the bomb!”
The RMBC Framework Works Consistently, One Of The Best Things To Have In A Business
”I’m in the Copy Accelerator (CA) group and have always considered myself to be average at copywriting..
I was one of the 1st members to join CA and my understanding of how to actually research, put together a brief, and write solid copy has increased by 5x.
Having a framework you can go back to every single time that just works is one of the biggest things you can have in business. It just works.
As someone who runs a little over $2 million a month in traffic, having the right copy / economics / offer is the difference between scaling and doing millions in sales every year vs. struggling to ever spend $10k a month profitably.
If you want to up your game, I highly recommend you grab this.”
Thanks To RMBC, My Email Generated $11k Of Sales In 24 Hours!
”I’ve been writing for all but a year and a half…
I’m not naturally gifted at copywriting and I have more imposter syndrome than anyone you know…
Up until recently, I was doubting myself nearly every day and felt like copywriting just wasn’t in the cards for me…
I even started looking for a customer support job because I didn’t think I was good enough.
This year, I will be an A-list copywriter thanks to RMBC.
My writing is better than it was even a week ago.
I know how to properly research, how to quickly create a mechanism, and write a winning piece of copy.
I haven’t yet written any sales letters, but I am using RMBC to write some of my best emails ever.
Just yesterday, one of my emails brought in $11k in 24 hours…
For a blanket.
And I’m not saying that to brag because I’m sure people have done much more.
But if I can write an email that brings in $11k for a BLANKET…
Just imagine what you could do with it.
RMBC is making me a solid copywriter and it WILL do the same for you.”
RMBC Literally Saved My Business, Hands Down the Best Blueprint For Winning Copy
”Stefan’s RMBC method is hands-down the best blueprint I’ve ever seen for producing winning copy quickly. Everyone else is competing for a distant second-best.
This February, I paid $3k to attend Copy Accelerator Live and got 2 weeks of access to the RMBC method…
The clock was ticking on my access, so I watched all the RMBC videos and followed along, writing a brand new offer in real time as I watched the lessons.
The offer took 4 days (TOTAL) to write, including research following RMBC. That offer, with no updates or revisions, is currently converting at 1.5 – 2% on cold (native) traffic.
Stefan’s “Money Close” and “Upsell” template alone are worth 10X what he’s charging. My AOV is $170 against a $20 CPA.
I paid 3X what he’s selling this course for, with less content than it has now, and I still feel like I ripped him off.
My business went from struggling to keep the lights on and keep everyone paid to scaling a multi-million dollar offer and having to hire new staff in under 60 days, during a global pandemic that otherwise, would have put me completely out of business.
RMBC literally saved my business.”
My Highest Converting Promo Written Thanks To RMBC
”Hey Stefan, I just wanted to say “thank you!” for the RMBC program…
I was already doing something similar in terms of having an organized copy creation process, but this was the “missing piece for me”.
I wrote an ENTIRE launch promo… full mini site + SLO + hotlist build + VSL…
Kick off call was 3 weeks ago…
Traffic started on Sunday…
VSL went live last night…
And even with some tech problems, we picked up $85,000 off a 4,000 person hotlist on the first day
I’ve already prided myself on my ability to pump out copy… When I was at AF, I was writing like 5k -10k words per week on top of all my other duties
And even though I WAY over committed to this launch project and it was unnecessarily stressful…
RMBC helped me to break a huge belief barrier.
On Tuesday this week, I had to write the ENTIRE VSL script from scratch basically so it could get filmed on Wednesday…
Started at 8am, stopped at 2am… wrote about 10,000 words (in a day).
Also, I think the AOV money close is cheating…
I’ve never had this big of a take rate on the lifetime option.
Did $1,495 for one year and $2,497 for lifetime.
AOV is $2,124.43 on 40 orders.
We’ll see how it works at a different scale… But I think this is my highest converting promo I’ve ever written.”
My Copy Connects Better With The Prospect & No More Blank Page Blues
”I’m typically a REALLY slow writer.
And in the past, my research would focus mainly on the mechanism while neglecting the prospect (which is a HUGE mistake).
I’ve gotten about 3 hours of deep work today and jotted down over 3,000 words.
It might not sound like much…
But that, to me, is remarkable.
Not only am I more connected to the prospect (thanks to the prospect-heavy research)…
But I’m not suffering from the ‘Blank Page Blues’ that so many writers agonize about.
It’s like I have a clear vision of the sales argument in my head. This is making the sales writing process immensely easier.
It’s like I’ve been given a compass, a detailed map, and a flashlight to help me with my journey.
I know exactly where I need to go… AND… how to get there.
(I was gonna make the comparison of the RMBC method to a GPS, but that would make it sound way too easy… make no mistake, this is still work, but it’s a F&*K TON easier!)”
RMBC Helps Me Write Copy Methodically, Easily & Quickly
”I just want to say thank you Stefan for creating this course.
Before, I always felt my offers were hit or miss and just writing the swipes alone would have taken me at least a week and I’d be kicking and screaming all the way.
This is so methodical and makes it so easy to write copy! I just rewrote two sales pages in less than 4 days.
Today alone, I churned out 6 brand new swipes for my top offer that probably took me about 4 hours in total.
Thank you so much!!”
Wrote First Sales Later In Less Than A Week With RMBC
”First sales letter for a copy client — selling a $500 offer on the page.
They just sent me an email saying they already have “2 sales” first few hours of launching.
(This paid for my fee right off the bat)
Gotta give a lot of props to Stefan Georgi
I literally created that sales letter in less than a week! After joining RMBC.
Super simple. Streamline process.
The system works… if you work it.”
RMBC Fundamentally Changed The Way I Run My Agency
“I’m not even a month into this program and I have to say that it has fundamentally changed the way I run my agency.
Aside from raising my price I just won’t entertain people that don’t sell a product or service with no unique mechanism.
Really appreciate this group. Thank you.”
Love The “Paint-By-Numbers” Style Of RMBC
“I’m close to completing the core modules of the course, and I’m absolutely loving it.
I love the “paint-by-numbers” style and structure RMBC brings to copy.”
Amazed By The Amount Of Resources In The Course
“Hey guys, nearly a month in, and I’m already utterly immersed in the course, and amazed by how much there is to learn!
Extremely pleased to be here.”
Helped Me To Launch My Supplement Brand
“My win…
Launching my supplement brand!!
Thanks to Stefan and RMBC, let’s hope the copy knocks it out of the park!!!”
New Sales Letter Performs Significantly Better After Applying RMBC
“I helped a client with her first product (course) launch before getting RMBC, writing emails and a sales letter for her.
Then shortly after that, I got RMBC and used it to rewrite the sales letter for the re-launch of the product.
The new sales letter is almost 3 x longer (the original was less than 2k words) and performs significantly better.
There is not enough data to give solid comparison figures, but it has sold around 30% more during the second launch. And that is to a small list that is 80% the same people who were also offered the product the first time around.
She also promoted the product both times on her IG, but the first time few people clicked and no one bought. This time, still no one bought when she did her usual type of promo with nice pictures and fairly generic info about the course.
Then, I asked her to basically just use the first few lines of the story-based lead from the sales letter in her IG stories, encouraging people to read the rest by clicking the link in her bio – and we were able to get several sales from that.
It’s not a huge thing, but with RMBC I know that I can do this again.
Also, I now have the ability to see that the 2nd version I’ve written is lacking in many ways.
But thanks to the structured approach of the method, it’s going to be fairly easy to improve it, because I understand how I can do it piece by piece, rather than having to rewrite an entire sales letter.”
Want to reach your dream income in the next 6 months?
Freelancers are using this 4-Step System to start charging their clients $10,000 or even $25,000 per project in just a few months – while cutting their writing time by over 80%!
Discover how to double, even TRIPLE your income in the next 6 months
Discover the Secret to Cutting Your Writing Time by OVER 80%
I Can Feel My Copy Improving Significantly
“I joined RMBC a month ago and absolutely loving the content so far.
It’s helped make things so much clearer and easier to understand (like I now finally get mechanisms…)
I can already feel my copy improving significantly despite not having been through all the content yet.
Thank you, Stefan.
Looking forward to working my way through the rest of it and engaging more in this group.”
The Content In RMBC Is Fantastic
“Firstly the content is fantastic, great stuff Stefan and crew!
Now I’ve been a bit of a lone wolf and think it’s been holding me back…
Someone in Copy Accelerator suggested I look into RMBC in July… So I’ve finally taken the plunge!
I’m currently in Environmental Science.
Totally unrelated I know…
But it’s actually kinda funny going through research with a copy hat on.
I’m pretty new to copy with a few web copy clients under my belt.
I started back in April when the pandemic forced me to return to the UK from traveling Australia…
I did my best to invest the “lockdown time” wisely and learned the basics.
But now I’m looking to level up and get some real, metric-backed DR experience and network!
I’ve been studying email for a few months now…
On all the lists I found in a spreadsheet in the J&STC group!
And having a go at writing 3 email variations for offers I keep seeing over and over…
I’ve also found both of Sabah’s modules super interesting too! (But I know I should keep the blinkers on!)”
Hit $10k Per Week With Cold Traffic At 6% Conversion Rate
“I work for myself, but I do have a digital product of mine hitting 10K a week with cold traffic at 6% conversion rate and mostly profit!
I used RMBC for my last 2 launches as well and my copy is WAY better!
The thing is, as much as I aspire to be a great copywriter, I’m not like most of these geniuses.
But what I’ve learned and witnessed first hand is if your structure is decent, you don’t need to be a great copywriter.
I would be embarrassed to show most of you my copy, but it’s converting at 6% for $297 and I get 100’s of leads a day at $2.33 each (Do the math.)
It’s like printing money right now. Glad I stumbled onto this guy Stefan Georgi!”
Made $3.5k In 4 Days
“Helped a friend make $3.5k in 4 days with two organic Facebook posts and three emails to a 1000 person list.
The product was an $80 front end info product with zero upsells.
Also want to mention it was the first time I wrote in my second language – French.”
Wrote My First Financial Sales Letter With RMBC
“I wrote 18 advertorial hooks/pitches for a client to test.
Finished my first financial sales letter with RMBC last Friday…
And today I just finished writing a new offer for an NLP coach I work with.”
Client Was Willing To Pay Me 4 Times More Than Before
“Got two retainer clients.
Wrote 3 sales letters around Q4 of 2020.
The 3rd sales letter came a few days back…
And I hit it right out of the ballpark!
The client messaged me to continue writing a sales letter and is willing to pay me a higher fee.
I quoted him a price that was 4 times higher than what I charged and I also asked for a longer deadline since I currently have A LOT on my plate.
The client said ok.”
Stefan Is One Of The Best Copywriters & Teachers I’ve Ever Met
“Stefan Georgi dresses like an 85-year-old retired mob boss who lives on a golf course . . .
AND he’s one of the best copywriters (and best copywriting TEACHERS) I’ve ever met.
Honestly, I’m EMBARRASSED by how much I’ve learned from studying his stuff and voraciously consuming his daily emails. (Though I got the REALLY good stuff by getting him super drunk in Mexico and promising we could play laser tag together if he just gave up the goods.)
Learn from him before he reads this testimonial and his head gets so big that he floats off into space to share his copywriting wisdom with a cold and desperate universe.”
The Course Has Everything I Need To Write Any Type Of Copy
“I’m not trying to kiss anyone’s ass here…
But can we all thank Stefan for overdelivering his ass off?
I know I’m truly thankful for it.
I never decided to specialize or niche down in copy. Who knows, maybe I’d be further along in my copy-life if I did, but I’m happy where I am.
This means that I go from writing emails for lawyers, to scale pages for women’s’ health, to webinars for the financial niche, to emails for supplement companies, to Facebook ads for SaaS, and so on.
And not just Stefan Georgi, but everyone who helped contribute.
I needed to write a financial sales letter I peeped Jake Hoffberg’s module
Now I’m writing a webinar in the same space – checked Austin Dixon’s module.
I was writing and designing an ecomm page for a supplement brand and I watched Sabah Karimi’s module.
My client wanted fascination bullets in his lead mag… Boom it’s in one of Stefan’s modules.
Needed to write upsells – Jonathan Boyd and Justin Goff had me covered.
Each one of those could be their own freaking course ranging from $297-$997 EACH. But we get all of it for the one-time price we paid of $997.
Just posting this to say thank you. You all have impacted my life in amazing ways.
If I ever end up as a bag boy at a grocery store, there’s no doubt that it’s 100% my fault when amazing tools like this exist to help copywriters.”
Made $1MM This Year Thanks To RMBC!
“I’m a big fan bought all your stuff and made $1 million this year from applying the RMBC framework.
Take care keep the hits coming.”
This Course Has Everything To Get Good At Any Type Of Copy
“I totally agree.
This course has just about everything you’d ever need to get scary good at writing all kinds of copy.
Well done, Stefan Georgi.”
The Value Of Each Module In RMBC Is Ridiculous
“Just saying… I love being in places, where people can’t help but throw out some random props and nothing but love.
The value of each module is ridiculous.
If I don’t make it…100% on me, the tools are squared away.”
First Spanish VSL Using RMBC Is Doing Well
“My wins: two VSL’s went live.
First VSL in Spanish and seems to be doing well.”
One Stop Shop For All Things Copy
“The value is insane and is like having a one-stop-shop for all things copy, literally in your pocket.”
RMBC Is The First Resource I Always Refer To
“This is how I live my life!
Every time I don’t know something I run to RMBC first because even if it’s not exactly what I need, I can definitely find some gem to get rockin’ and rollin’!”
Helped Us Take On Clients For Different Types Of Copy
“We used to stick with email copy.
But recently taking on jobs for Ecom landers, Facebook ads and advertorials clients.
And we’re delivering like ninjas because of all the juice in RMBC.”
Most Bang For Its Buck For Any Copywriting Course
“100% agree.
RMBC Method delivers the most bang for its buck of any course I’ve ever bought, bar none.
And all of the contributions just adds to that in a mammoth over delivery!
Landed A Monthly Retainer Thanks To RMBC
“I used RMBC method to write a sales letter over the weekend as a test copy project to land a monthly retainer…they offered it to me today.
Price needs to be negotiated as they are low-balling but I still consider it a win!”
RMBC Helped Me Write A Full Sales Letter In Just 4 Days!
“I matched an impossible deadline with my last SL.
I completed the first draft in 4 days and all my agency colleagues have said it’s super smooth and effortlessly reads to the last page, and it’s addicting.
Now I’m at work to finish it with the customer.”
Made Rewriting A Sales Letter A Breeze
“Wednesday; my first day as a copywriting intern.
Got from 1pm to evening to completely rewrite a sales letter that was all features and a non-descript lead.
All the research I had was an hour’s chit chat with two people from the company from the day before.
9pm: Handed in a 7-page letter.
Story-driven lead about the creation of the product.
The remaining 6 pages were a TON of social proof backing the major claims made in the lead.
The close was basically 5 quotes from people saying: BUY THIS, IT’S TOTALLY WORTH IT! and a hint of FOMO…
The letter will immediately replace the product’s main webpage.
Thank you (R)MBC, for making research directly copy/paste-able once you know what to look for.”
Most Valuable & Game-Changing Digital Product Ever
“Hey Stefan Georgi, I just wanted to let you know that my team is creating more strategic content using information from the course.
I am forwarding them values based emails from the content as well.
I also want to say that I’ve been working on harnessing my copy skills to write my own offers, precisely my IG course that I’m launching in a couple of weeks.
Your course is legit the most valuable and game-changing digital product I’ve ever taken.
The sales page I’ve been writing has impressed many people like Los and my buddy Dennis who is a savage writer.
Just thought I’d let you know how much it’s helped me on becoming a better copywriter.
For the course, it completely changes the way I think about copy and has also given me the ability to see what has been wrong with some other funnels in the past.”
Is it HUMANLY Possible to Write a 7-Figure Sales Letter in 3 days?
For most copywriters, it’s ABSURD to even think about pumping a high-converting sales letter in 3 days…
Yet, Stefan Georgi was able to write 12 long-form sales letters per month that generated over $100MM a year.
How the *$@# did he do that? And…can YOU do it too?
(just imagine the income-generating potential!)
Discover the Secret to Cutting Your Writing Time by OVER 80%
Even More Testimonials About The RMBC Method
The RMBC Method
How have 100+ freelancers leveraged ‘RESEARCH’…
To QUICKLY replace their depressing 9 to 5 jobs with FREEDOM and a 6-Figure/month income…